Monthly Archives: July 2019

Solskjaer Sebut Sedikit Fans Yang Tak Menyukai Pogba

Nasib Paul Pogba memang tengah menjadi pembicaraan di bursa transfer musim ini. Usai sang gelandang mengukapkan jika dirinya ingin perg darii Old Traford. Dan mengatakan Real Madrid merupakan klub yang menjadi impian semua pemain sepak bola untuk bermain disana.

Sebenarnya kasus Paul Pogba ditengarai karena mendapatkan penolakan dari beberapa fans MU. Apakah ingat ketika pertandingan terakhir MU pada musim lalu di ajang Liga Primer Inggris. Pogba mendapatkan cemoohan dari fans yang hadir di stadion Old Trafford. Memang tidak semua fans meneriaki mantan pemain Juventus tersebut. Tapi sempat terlihat ada seorang fans yang beradu mulut dengan Pogba dan mengatakan jika pemain berusia 26 tahun itu menjadi biang keladi atas keterpurukan klub pada musim lalu. Tidak hanya itu oknum fans tersebut juga mengungkapkan jika Pogba terlalu banyak gaya di luar lapangan.

Hingga muncullah rumour kepergiaan pemain asal Prancis ini. Tiba ketika dirinya sedang berada di Jepang untuk menghadiri acara yang diselenggarakan Adidas. Pogba langsung membeberkan kepada media sekitar jika dirinya ingin pergi dari klub karena merasa tak nyaman dan juga tidak dihargai. Sontak komentar Pogba langsung mengundang respon dari Real Madrid dan juga Juventus. Kabarnya kedua klub besar eropa sudah menanyakan biaya transfer Pogba kepada management Manchester United.

Tidak hanya itu agen Pogba, Mino Raiola juga membenarkan kabar kliennya yang ingin pergi dari klub.

“Paul sudah lama ingin meninggalkan klub. Pemilik klub dan pelatih mengetahui perasaan Paul. Sangat disayangkan klub tidak memberikan pembelaan kepadanya. Kami sedang mengurusnya (kepindahan). Dan semoga kedua bela pihak mendapatkan solusi terbaik dari permasalahan ini.” Ucap Raiola.

Apa yang dikatakan Raiola bagaikan petir yang menyambar di siang bolong. Terlebih management United jelas merasa tak nyaman dengan ocehan Raiola. Lantas Ole Gunnar Solskjaer menenangkannya dengan konferensi pers yang terus menenangkan gejolak yang dialami Pogba belakangan ini.

“Paul adalah pemain yang profesional, dia berlatih dengan sangat baik. Dia bersama kami, saya pikir dia adalah bagian terpenting untuk membangun klub ke arah yang terbaik.” Buka Solskjaer.

“Saya rasa kami tidak perlu menjual pemain dan tidak terpaksa harus menjual pemain. Beberapa pemain kami terikat kontrak panjang jadi kami tidak merasa khawatir.” Ungkap Solskjaer.

Dari komentar tersebut mantan striker Manchester United itu berhasil mengendalikan isu yang terus berterbangan belakangan ini. Belum lagi ia juga tengah memikirkan nasib Romelu Lukaku yang juga ingin meninggalkan klub untuk bergabung bersama Inter Milan.

Ketika semua rumour mulai mendingin dan gelagat Real Madrid yang perlahan mundur dari perburuan Pogba. Solskjaer kembali berkicau dengan menyebutkan jika Pogba merasa tak nyaman karena beberapa fans MU yang tidak menyukai sang juara dunia tersebut.

“Kita semua tahu situasi Paul, tapi dirinya pemain yang bagus. Ia menunjukan kualitasnya. Saya pikir hanya beberapa fans kecil yang tidak menyukainya itu minoritas. Yang perlu saya tegaskan jika semua pemain profesional tidak semua fans menyukai anda. Semua pemain pernah merasakannya itu sangat wajar. ” Terang Solksjaer.

Guillem Said Madrid Is Dead !

Guillem Said Madrid Is Dead !

Guillem Balague, who works as a football observer, explains that Real Madrid are facing a very serious problem this season. In fact, he also said that Madrid was no longer Los Galacticos.

You could say Madrid is facing a crisis, how not? They must swallow four bitter defeats in a row at home. Not only that, hopes of reaching the Copa del Rey trophy and the Champions League have also vanished, only the La Liga trophy remains, and even then if they can catch up to 12 points from the top, Barcelona.

Guillem asked Madrid to be too passive in the player market. He also said that Madrid could not be called Los Galacticos anymore because there were no star players that could be brought in by the club.

“Real Madrid are dead, they cannot compete as they used to. They have stopped bringing in star players since 2014. Who can be called a superstar in Madrid? There is no.”

“They have to move and make changes, we just wait for the summer. One of the top players there, as well as the captain said that his team only needed to play well in four games to win the Champions League title, from which we could see there were very big mistakes and problems. ”

“Similar to Gareth Bale, he wants full minutes when playing, but he is not able to show his quality. That makes it frustrating. He also will not shine if given a short playing time. I think Madrid must immediately fix this problem next season. “

Neymar: Im Not A Superhero !

Neymar: Im Not A Superhero !

PSG player Neymar admits that he is not a superhero who can solve problems. Neymar also mentioned that he was not a perfect example as a public figure.

Neymar’s level of popularity at the global level is indeed undoubted. His career as a football player who made him became a global public idol. That was not rejected.

However, in some aspects Neymar also experienced bad moments. His career is not only filled with achievements, but also controversy. Likewise with Neymar’s personal life which often presents a sensation.

“I am not a superhero or a perfect role model. Saua also has a bad moment, where I want to go home and hide, want to be with my friends and family,” said Neymar quoted from Goal International.

“I am not a super hero who is able to overcome all the pressure in the world, but I try to do it because of what my position is. Not only for my family and children, but also for most children here,” said the 27-year-old.

Not only moral responsibility, Neymar also professionally has responsibility to the club he is supporting. In fact, no less important, he also had the burden as a Brazilian national team player.

Romelu Lukaku Gave Compliment To Marcus Rashford

Romelu Lukaku Gave Compliment To Marcus Rashford

Marcus Rashford showed a fine performance in the second half of the 2018/19 season, when he did get plenty of opportunities to play. His slick performance received praise from his teammate, Romelu Lukaku.

Until the 33rd week of the Premier League, Marcus Rashford had scored 10 goals. This is the 21-year player’s best goal in a season since promotion in the Manchester United first team in 2015.

Not only on stage, Marcus Rashford also performed well in the Champions League. He scored two goals for the Red Devils, one goal of which was to ensure his team won 1-3 against PSG in the match at the Parc des Princes. The result that made United qualify for the quarter-finals.

Marcus Rashford is actually a contender for Romelu Lukaku for the center forward position at Manchester United. In the era of Jose Mourinho, Lukaku was the first choice and Rashford was often ‘sacrificed’ by being played as a winger.

However, the situation changed in the era of Ole Gunnar Solksjaer. Lukaku began to sit on the bench and Rashford more often played in the position of the center forward. Despite competing, Lukaku remained amazed by the achievements of the junior.

“To be honest, that is exactly what I hope for, with the quality he has and the work he has done on the field,” Lukaku opened.

“Rashford is a young player with a sane head and he already knows what he wants, so I am really happy with the performance he gave to the team,” continued the Belgian player.

Will Mirk Schumacher Follow his Father Road ?

Will Mirk Schumacher Follow his Father Road ?

Mick Schumacher becoming the champion for Formula 3 for this season. This result that he get make the son on Michael Schumacher getting a big chance to follow his father way on racing in the Formula 1.

Mick just finish as the runner up on the second race in the Hockenheimring Circuit at Saturday local time. 18 point that he get on this race make his position as the champion is undeniable with 347 point that he get over 51 point from the second position one Dan Ticktum with 296 point.

This make the 19 years old racer is fulfill the terms for racing on the Formula 1 next season. As we know that until now both Scuderia Toro Rosso-Honda and Williams-Mercedes still having one empty seat on the both side.

“All the attention is toward this young man since the beginning, and make him get a lot of pressure in the start. It is not easy to handle those things, especially in the beginning season as what the case we have now,” Tell Toto Wolff as the Executive Director of Mercedes in Formula 1.

As we know the direct jump from Formula 3 to Formula 1 is ever happen by his own father, Michael Schumacher that well known as the living legend of Formula 1 itself. On that time his first debut on Formula 1 happen on 1991 with the Jordan team after he becoming the champion in Formula 3.

However, on the view of many people, the realistic step that Mick suppose to make for his progress should be racing on Formula 2 first.

” This feeling is unreal. I am very happy. I still can not believe it,” Tell Mick when he got the interview.

Let see on where will be Mick Schumacher be in the last.