After McGregor Now Floyd Mayweather Jr ! – After beating McGregor last weekend, now Khabib Nurmagomedov already having his eyes to another man. Yes now he would like to have a fight we the one and only, the unbeatable boxer, also the one that beat the ass out of McGregor last time, Floyd Mayweather Jr.

The challenge for Mayweather is directly being send by Khabib to the CEO of Mayweather Promotions, Leonard Ellerbe that lately re-post this challenge on his Instagram account on video format.

” Come to me Flyod, we need to fight now. 50-0 versus 27-0. Both of us unbeaten until now. But there can be only one king in this world. Absolutely i am the King, because Floyd can not beat the way how i destroyed McGregor last time,” Tell Khabib.

As we know on the last August 2017, Mayweather having a fight with McGregor in Las Vegas. That fight was won by Mayweather with TKO on the ten round from twelve round. That fight also becoming one of the biggest success on the fighting match and also becoming the advantages for McGregor, he might be lose on the fight, but from the report that we get, he got paid almost $6 million only for that fight !

Still there are no official answer from Mayweather team about the challenge that make by Khabib that already being upload into Ellerbe Instagram account, Mayweather Manager.

But Khabib Nurmagomedov is still facing a big problem after being charge as the main reason of the chaos happen after his fight with McGregor in where he start attacking McGregor team after won that fight on the last October 6th.

So let wait the progress of this things, will or will not the unbeatable seeing each other for the first time to make them becoming the Real King ?