Category Archives: Football


MU Hidupkan Rencana Transfer James Rodriguez

Premier League klub, temuan dilaporkan di Manchester United dari James Rodriguez akan kembali. playmaker Real Madrid akan menjadi salah satu pemain yang akan dibawa Ole Gunnar Solskjaer di musim panas.

MU rumor terhadap kepentingan James tidak benar-benar baru. Hampir setiap tahun playmaker tim nasional Kolombia selalu dikaitkan dengan Manchester United.

Tapi dalam beberapa bulan terakhir, rumor bunga MU melawan James agak berkurang. Bahkan itu terkait dengan sejumlah klub di Liga Premier sebagai Everton atau Arsenal.

Namun AS Dia melaporkan bahwa AS saat ini mulai berubah arah. Telah dilaporkan kembali mengejar tanda tangan dari James di musim panas.

Dampak dari pemotongan anggaran
Laporan itu mengatakan alasan Manchester United sedang mencoba untuk merekrut James karena mengubah anggaran transfer Anda.

Pada laporan PBB yang dimulai, akan Solskjaer uang menghabiskan 200 juta pound. Namun, karena korona pendapatan MU pandemi ini berkurang sehingga anggaran transfer berkurang menjadi 150 juta pound.

Solskjaer sendiri memerlukan setidaknya satu sisi kanan dan gelandang di awal musim panas. Winger untuk slot telah dijamin dengan pemindahan menyayangi Jadon Sancho mencapai 110 juta euro, sehingga sisa uang akan dialokasikan untuk gelandang / playmaker dan di atas.

menggantikan Grealish
James yang dipimpin oleh Solskjaer karena transfer dana surplus yang tidak bisa mengambil tujuan utama mereka, Jack Grealish.

Grealish sejak semula dikabarkan bahwa paket dengan Sancho untuk bergabung Serikat. Namun, playmaker telah melaporkan mahar 80 juta pounds mentransfer sehingga dana tidak cukup untuk merekrut pemain.

Itulah sebabnya Manchester United akan mengalihkan target transfer Anda James Rodriguez, yang diyakini akan direkrut di bawah 50 juta poundsterling di musim panas.

akan Dirilis
Manchester United kemungkinan James bisa sangat besar.

Karena Real Madrid telah menetapkan pemain sebagai kelebihan player sehingga mengundang mencari klub baru.

MU Pulangkan Wilfried Zaha Musim Depan?

Sebuah operasi transfer baru menunjukkan Manchester United. Tim berjuluk Setan Merah diberitakan mencoba untuk memulangkan Wilfried Zaha di Old Trafford musim depan.

Manchester United yang dianggap menghabiskan banyak di musim panas. Ole Gunnar Solskjær mengatakan ia mengambil tiga empat pemain baru The Reds bisa berubah menjadi judul pesaing serius.

Sektor yang menginginkan diperkaut oleh kepala Solskjaer pemain sayap kanan. Pelatih Norwegia percaya bahwa dia tidak memiliki pemain bagus di posisi itu, sehingga sebagai prioritas pengeluaran mereka.

Mengungkapkan klaim bahwa Manchester United telah mengantongi beberapa nama potensial untuk pemain sayap kanan mereka. Salah satunya adalah Crystal Palace Wilfried Zaha pemain sayap.

penampakan fantastis
Laporan Solskjaer mempertimbangkan merekrut Zaha setelah menonton penampilannya musim lalu.

Pemain sayap yang sekarang menjadi sosok andalan di sayap Crystal Palace. Musim ini ia telah berhasil mengemas tiga gol dan lima assist untuk Eagles.

Solskjaer terasa tim nasional pemain sayap dari Pantai Gading dapat memberikan dimensi baru dalam lini serang timnya, karena ia tertarik dalam membawa pemain sayap di Old Trafford.

opsi kedua
Tapi laporan itu mengatakan bahwa Zaha bukan pilihan pertama Manchester United di musim panas.

Target utama Reds perpindahan yang Jadon Sancho. Borussia Dortmund pemain sayap itu disebut-sebut Solskjaer kesengsem berhasil dilakukan terhadap dirinya.

Tetapi proses Sancho transfer ke Manchester United diyakini sedang cukup rumit eksekusi, jadi jika Manchester United gagal membawa pemain sayap, mereka akan pindah ke Zaha.

Harga murah
Manchester United harus siap untuk deposit cukup uang untuk memulangkan Zaha di Old Trafford.

Red Devils harus membayar sekitar 80 juta pound ke Eagles untuk transfer dot Zaha.

Paul Pogba Ingin Menangkan Trofi Bersama MU, Batal Pergi?

Manchester United gelandang Paul Pogba baru-baru telah memberikan kode untuk masa depan. Pemain tengah itu telah mengungkapkan ia masih ingin menang piala dengan Manchester United, ia seharusnya tinggal di Old Trafford.

Sejak tahun lalu, telah sering berkhotbah Pogba ingin pergi ke Manchester United. Dia mengatakan dia ingin menemukan tantangan baru dalam karirnya setelah karir empat tahun dengan The Reds.

Namun belakangan berita sebaliknya mereka beredar. Gelandang called’ve berubah pikiran dan ingin melanjutkan karirnya di Manchester United.

Pogba baru-baru ini mengindikasikan bahwa ia akan melanjutkan karirnya di Manchester United. “Anda [para pendukung Manchester United] masih di rumah dan menjaga Anda dengan baik,” kata situs resmi Manchester United Pogba.

Membaca komentar di bawah ini gelandang.

Ingin bermain segera

Pogba mengakui bahwa setelah beberapa minggu membuat dia liga ditunda para pendukung Manchester United.

Dia mengatakan dia ingin Mei pandemi ini segera sehingga ia bisa bertemu dengan fans United di lapangan.

“Kamu masih mempromosikan Inggris. Mudah-mudahan, situasi lebih baik sesegera mungkin dan kami bisa kembali ke bermain. “

Anda ingin menang piala

Pogba telah mengindikasikan ia ingin tinggal di Manchester United setelah mengatakan ia ingin masuk trofi juara dengan The Reds.

“Mudah-mudahan kita dapat menunjukkan bahwa kita siap dan kami ingin memenangkan piala. “

“Tetap berhubungan dengan kami, tetap baik dan kami berharap untuk bertemu segera di lapangan. “Kata Dia.

masih menunggu

Judul Liga Premier masih mengalami penundaan karena virus corona.

Kasta tertinggi sepak bola Inggris akan terus pada tanggal 30 April, ketika kondisi memungkinkan.

Theo Hernandez Bisa Menjadi Bek Kiri Terbaik Di Dunia

AC Milan kesempatan untuk memiliki bek kiri terbaik dunia di Theo Hernendez, menurut agen klaim defenseman Perancis.

Hernandez bergabung dengan Real Madrid. Tapi dia gagal bersinar di klub La Liga.

Milan kemudian mencoba untuk mendapatkan dia ke San Siro dan berhasil. Mereka telah berhasil direkrut pada musim panas 2019 kemarin dengan harga 20 juta euro.

Hernandez tampil impresif dengan Milan. Dia bahkan berhasil Ricardo Rodríguez dipaksa untuk menempatkan di bangku cadangan.

kebutuhan kesabaran

Theo agen Hernandez, Manuel Garcia Quilon, kemudian mengungkapkan apa yang menyebabkan kliennya gagal ke Real Madrid. Garcia mengatakan bahwa Los Blancos tidak memiliki kesabaran untuk melihat klien tumbuh dan berkembang.

“Theo tiba di Real Madrid dengan sangat muda dan mungkin mereka kurang sabar dengan dia,” kata Garcia kepada

“Dibutuhkan banyak kesabaran dengan para pemain berkualitas dan Anda harus bisa memberi mereka ruang. Real Madrid, di sisi lain, tidak mendapatkan banyak dari itu, “katanya.

“Dalam sebuah klub besar seperti Madrid, mereka lebih memilih pemain yang siap digunakan dan mencegah kesabaran dengan yang lebih muda,” katanya.


Oleh karena itu, Manuel Garcia Quilon terkejut jika banyak pemain muda yang tidak berhasil di Real Madrid. Dia senang kliennya sekarang menemukan klub seperti AC Milan, di mana ia bisa mengembangkan bakat besar.

“Mereka sering karena itu perlu untuk menemukan tempat mereka di tim lain, di mana mungkin mereka kemudian bisa meledak sebagai Theo di Milan,” katanya.

“Jika dia tetap di jalan ini dan melakukan pekerjaan yang baik dengan dukungan yang lebih dari klub, itu bisa menjadi salah satu bek kiri terbaik di dunia,” kata Garcia.

Theo Hernandez jauh dimainkan 25 kali untuk AC Milan. Dia dikemas enam gol untuk Rossoneri.

Jurgen Klopp Punya Alasan Tidak Mengejar Aubameyang

Dunia sepak bola pasti mengenal sosok striker hebat Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang dimana akan meninggalkan Arsenal pada musim depan. Itu menjadi kabar bagus untuk para klub-klub top Eropa agar bisa mendapatkannya sebab pemain asal Gabon itu mempunya talenta dan sangat berbahaya jika sudah bermain. dirinya ingin pergi karena melihat kondisi Arsenal yang sedang terpuruk jadi dirinya memutuskan untuk Hengkang agar bisa mendapatkan gelar juara bersama klub lainnya. Namun ada yang punya masalah atau tidak tertarik dengan pemain berusia 30 tahun yaitu Pelatih Jurgen Klopp dari Liverpool soalnya dirinya punya alasan sendiri mengingat dulu mereka pernah bekerja sama saat masih di Borussia Dortmund.

1. Tidak Tertarik Sama Sekali
Pemain Gabon itu pernah bekerja sama dengan Klopp saat masih di Dortmund kala itu Aubameyang pernah dalam peforma bagus dengan mencetak 41 gol dalam dua musim. Tentunya jika sang pelatih tertarik dengannya pasti sudah lama bergabung dengan Liverpool apalagi mereka berdua pernah menjadi pelatih dan pemain saat masa-masa terbaik di Borussia Dortmund. Klopp pasti punya alasan sendiri mengenai pemain yang pantas bermain di Anfied apalagi dirinya masih mempercayakan kepada tiga penyerang utama yang sekarang menghantarkan The Reds kejalur yang memuaskan dimana Roberto Firmino,Mohamed Salah dan Sadio Mane. Ketiga pemain itu menjadi kunci kesuksesan Liverpool dalam menghadapi dan mencetak banyak gol tentu peran itu mungkin saja Klopp tidak melihatnya ada pada dirinya Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang meski dirinya punya bakat yang kuat dalam hal membobol gawang tapi masalah kekompakan tim yang paling diutamakan oleh sosok pelatih yang kini sedang dalam mendapatkan gelar Juara Premier League untuk Liverpool pada musim ini.

2. Klopp Butuh Penyerang Murni
Liverpool yang pada musim ini terbilang dalam peforma bagus dimana sedikit lagi mereka mendapatkan gelar juara Premier League. Namun mereka harus tersingkir dalam ajang Liga Champions yang memutuskan harapan mereka tidak bisa mempertahankan gelar juara. padahal mereka punya trio yang membuat mereka sukses pada musim lalu mengangkat gelar juara Liga Champions kunci mereka hanya kepada Roberto Firmino,Mohamed Salah dan Sadio Mane. meskipun torehan gol Aubameyang saat bergabung dengan The Gunners itu sudah mencetak 61 gol dari semua kompetisi 96 pertandingan jadi tidak menjadikan bahwa Klopp meminati sang pemain tersebut.

MU Akan Melepas Jesse Lingard ke Klub Yang Siap Membelinya

Kabar datang dari Manchester United dimana sudah siap melepaskan pemain Jesse Lingard pada bursa transfer musim depan. Soalnya sang pemain sudah tidak pernah dimainkan dan kehilangan jam bermainnya dengan pelatih Ole Gunnar Solskjaer pada musim ini. Apa lagi semenjak MU sudah membeli Bruno Fernandes dirinya tidak mendapatkan kesempatan dan hanya duduk dibangku cadangan itu mengapa pihak MU sudah tidak membutuhkan tenaganya lagi. itu membuat Jesse Lingard harus mencari klub baru guna bisa mendapatkan waktu bermain dan melanjutkan karier sepakbolanya. Berikut klub top eropa yang bersedia menampung sang pemain berusia 27 tahun tersebut.

1. Inter Milan
Merupakan klub Serie A yang sedang dilatih Antonie Conte itu nampaknya akan dikaitkan dengan kepindahan Jesse Lingard soalnya pada musim ini saja mereka mendapatkan 3 pemain berasal dari Manchester United seperti Romelu Lukaku,Alexis Sanchez dan Ashley Young. jadi kesempatan untuk mendapatkan sang pemain sangat terbuka meningat di Inter mereka bisa melakukan reuni disana dan sama-sama memperkuat skuat untuk mendapatkan persaingan dalam memperbutkan gelar juara.

2. Atletico Madrid
Agen Jesse Lingard akan dilepas jika mendapatkan bayaran sesuai dan Atletico Madrid bisa mendapatknya soalnya pelatih Diego Simeone memang sudah lama mengincar sang pemain. Dirinya bisa bermain di Spanyol yang bakal cocok dengan gaya permainan sang pemain dan itu akan menjadikannya posisi terbaik yang akan diberikan oleh sang pelatih kepada Lingard jika pada musim depan bersedia bergabung dengan Atletico Madrid.

3. Leicester City
Jesse Lingard jika dirinya tidak mau keluar dari kompetisi Premier League disana ada Leicester City yang dikabarkan siap menampung sang pemain. Pelatih Brendan Rodgers membutuhkan sosok pemain yang cepat dan pemain berpengalaman seperti Lingard. Dirinya bisa menjadi pemain tambahan yang bisa membantu mereka memperkuat sisi serang pemain sayap kanan yang memang cocok dengan sang pemain. Meski Leicester City tidak punya kekuatan finansial yang besar namun bisa diberikan harapan kepada sang pemain agar bisa bermain terus diskuat utama Leicester pada musim depan.

Berikut Chelsea Bakal Mengubah Beberapa Posisi Dalam Skuatnya

Chelsea yang kini sedang dilatih oleh mantan pemain yang sudah menjadi pelatih di The Blues Frank Lampard. Kini mereka sedang menghadapi kesulitan bermain pada musim ini dimana tidka bisa menjadi persaingan memperebutkan gelar Juara Premier League. Masalah ada pada larangan transfer pemain baru yang didapatkan pihak Chelsea dan penampilan luar biasa dari klub Liverpool jadi itu sebabnya hanya sedang bekerja keras dalam mempertahankan posisi keempat kelasemen guna mengamankan tiket masuk Liga Champions pada musim depan. Lampard sendiri sudah mengkonfirmasi masalah ini karena penuh diperbaiki beberapa posisi para pemain agar bisa kembali maksimal dan bisa bersaing kembali untuk pertandingan musim depan pada tahun depan.

1. Posisi Bek Tengah Chelsea
Faktor lini tengah sangat mempengaruhi kekuatan sebuah klub dimana itu tidak terlihat ada di The Blues pada musim ini sebab pemain mereka Antonio Rudiger,Kurt Zouma tidak memberikan kontribusi yang cukup bagus yang hasilnya mereka sudah kebobolan 39 gol pada musim ini. Lampard akan mencari pemain baru untuk memberikan kekuatan tambahan dimana sudah ada daftar nama pemain bek tengah baru yang sudah disediakan pada musim panas nantinya.

2. Posisi Bek Sayap
Pihak Chelsea sedang mengincar pemain milik Leicester City bernama Ben Chillwell soalnya mereka ingin menggantikan pemain mereka Emerson dan Marco Alonso yang pada awal musim tidak bisa tampil bagus. Namun mereka harus memikirkan harga sang pemain soalnya pihak Leicester hanya ingin melepaskannya jika harga tawaran besar didapatkan soalnya kita tahu bek sayapnya itu punya bakat dan kemampuanya yang bagus saat bermain jadi harganya juga kian naik seiring bertambahnya kualitasnya diatas lapangan tersebut.

3. Posisi Kiper
Chelsea yang beberapa tahun lalu mendatangkan kiper paling mahal didunia dimana itu kiper asal Spanyol Kepa Arizzabalaga. Pemain berusia 25 tahun ini dipercaya sebagai kiper utama The Blues untuk jangka panjagn namun kemampuannya belakangan ini sangat menurun dimana tidak bisa menjaga gawang dengan baik saat melakukan pertandingan-pertandingan yang penting. jadi Lampard tidak memainkannya dan lebih sering dibangku cadangan.

Nama Pemain Chelsea Yang Perlu di Perhatikan Kemampuannya

Pada saat ini klub Chelsea sedang berjuang untuk mempertahankan posisi mereka di empat besar Premier League. Soalnya agar bisa bermain di pentas Liga Champions pada musim depannya karena dengan begitu bisa membuat banyak pemain baru tertarik untuk bergabung bersama The Blues. Namun mereka harus sangat hati-hati dalam bermain diusahakan untuk selalu memenangkan sisa pertandingan agar tidak diselip oleh klub lainnya yang sedang dibawah mereka. Itu sebabnya pelatih Lampard sedang mencoba meningkatkan peforma sang pemain agar selalu konsisten bermain namun ada beberapa pemain yang harus dipantau karena mengalami penurunan kualitas mereka dalam beberapa pertandingan kali ini. Berikut nama-nama pemain yang bakal kita bahas kali ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kedalaman skuat milik Chelsea.

1. Tammy Abraham
Merupakan pemain muda yang dipercaya sang pelatih untuk menjadi ujung tombak The Blues saat awal musim berjalan. Padahal pada awal debutnya dirinya selalu mencetak gol dan bisa terbilang konsisten sebagai pemain muda akan tetapi pada tahun 2020 ini hanya mampu mencetak satu gol dari lima pertandingan itu sebabnya dirinya tidak mendapatkan kesempatan bermain soalnya sang pelatih lebih memainkan Olivier Giroud dan Batshuayi. ini akan menjadi tugas untuk Lampard agar bisa mengembalikan ketajaman sang pemain berusia 22 tahun tersebut.

2. Kepa Arrizabalaga
Merupakan pemain yang sudah tidak diturunkan sang pelatih saat melakoni pertandingan hasil imbang melawan Leicester City tersebut dimana dirinya bermain selalu sering melakukan kesalahan yang tentunya merugikan Chelsea. Apalagi saat dirinya bermain hanya mampu memberikan satu penyelamatan gemilang pada tahun ini dimana itu saat melawan Arsenal. Jadi Lampard lebih memainkan Willy Caballero dibawah gawang agar bisa memberikan motivasi untuk Kepa kembali ke peforma terbaiknya lagi.

3. Callum Hudson-Odoi
Merupakan pemain yang baru sembuh dan mulai bermain untuk penampilan saat melawan Newcastle United. dimana melakukan pertandingan dengan hasil imbang dan kalah saat bertemu dengan Leicester City itu menandakan bahwa kemampuan sang pemain semakin menurun dan membutuhkan waktu untuk bisa mengembalikan ke peforma sang Callum Hudson-Odoi untuk bisa membantu The Blues masuk ke empat besar sampai akhir musim ini.

Berikut Pemain Sukses Setelah Tinggalkan Arsenal

Klub London Arsenal yang dulu terkenal dengan salah satu klub terbaik di Liga Inggris dimana mereka punya para pemain hebat dan mendapatkan gelar juara. Akan tetapi saat di tinggalkan Arsen Wenger mereka seperti kehilangan kekuatan dan kepercayaan lagi soalnya beberapa tahun terakhir ini penampilan mereka terbilang biasa dan bahkan bisa dikatakan buruk pada awal musim dan akhir musim. Mereka terakhir menjuarai gelar pada tahun 2003/2004 dan sudah 16 tahun mereka sudah puasa akan gelar juara yang paling menonjol saat bermain di final liga Champios pada tahun 2005/2006 mereka bertemu dengan Barcelona yang pada saat itu mereka harus kalah dan memaksa para pemain bintangnya pergi itu karena bahwa mereka sudah tidak ingin bermain di London Utara dan terbukti ada beberapa pemain yang sukses bersama tim lain dan menjuarai gelar juara dan penampilan mereka sangat bagus.

1. Cesc Fabregas
Pemain yang bergabung dengan The Gunners pada usia sangat muda 16 tahun. Pemain berbakat asal Spanyol itu sangat berguna dan berkembang menjadi gelandang yang kreatif dimana punya kemampuan mencetak dan memberikan operan bola yang akurat. Akan tetapi dirinya tidak lama bermain di Arsenal karena dirinya dibeli oleh pihak Barcelona yang melihat gaya permainanya sangat bagus itu sebabnya Fabregas angkat kaki dan bergabung disana dirinya menjuarai gelar juara dan pada akhirnya kembali ke Premier League namun bersama Chelsea dan sukses menjuarai Premier League.

2. Samir Nasri
Saat masih dilatih Arsen Wenger pada musim 2011 bahwa dirinya ada berkata kepada pihak Arsenal jika mereka kehilangan pemain berbakat mereka seperti Samir Nasri dan Cesc Fabregas maka Arsenal akan mengalami kerugian dan tidak bisa menjuarai gelar juara. Kenyataan itu menjadi kenyataan dimana pada saat itu Samir Nasri pergi dari Emirates menuju ke kota Manchester City disana dirinya mala berhasil mempersembahkan gelar juara.

3. Robin Van Persie
Merupakan pemain yang masuk saat kepergian Thierry Henry itu pada awal debutnya memang ada kendala mengenai masalah cedera akan tetapi pada saat sudah pulih dirinya menjelma menjadi striker yang sering mencetak gol untuk Arsenal. dimana pada penamilannya berhasil memberikan 37 gol dari 48 pertandingan namun sayang tidak bisa membawa gelar juara dan akhirnya jual kepada Manchester United dan mala sukses juga bersama Setan Merah dalam Gelar Juara Premier League.

Berikut Nama Pemain Yang Bakal Tinggalkan MU Musim Depan

Klub Manchester United yang pada musim ini bisa dikatakan tidak bagus penampilan mereka dimana gaya permainan mereka masih tidak konsisten. Pelatih Ole Gunnar Solskjaer memang masih mau membangun masalah pemain yang dimana dianggapnya tidak dipakai pada musim depan dan hanya memainkan pemain yang memang tampil memuaskan dan bisa membantu untuk klub. Soalnya sekarang mereka masih berada pada posisi lima klasemen Premier League tentunya mereka harus bisa masuk ke empat besar guna bisa bermain di Liga Champions musim depan. Nampaknya mereka harus melepas beberapa pemain dan mencoba mendapatkan pemain baru yang lebih memberikan kontribusi yang berarti dan tentunya itu semua ada di keputusan pelatih untuk melepas pemain yang bermain sangat tidak bagus.

1. Jesse Lingard
Merupakan pemain yang sudah dikabarkan akan meninggalkan klub soalnya penampilannya yang buruk bersama MU dalam beberapa tahun ini. Pemain berusia 27 tahun itu hanya mencetak 1 gol pada 2019 dan tentu sorotan menuju kepada dirinya dan sangat bagus jika dirinya angkat kaki secepatnya agar dirinya bisa bermain diklub lain dan mendapatkan waktu bermain lebih banyak dan pengalaman untuk bisa bermain lebih dan konsisten dalam sebuah klub. pastinya ada beberapa klub yang masih ingin mendapatkan dirinya salah satunya Valencia dan Lazio yang mungkin mendatangkanya pada musim depan.

2. Phil Jones
Merupakan bek yang kini masa depannya sudah akan habis bersama Setan Merah dimana dirinya sudah jarang dimainkan dan selalu dibangku cadangan. Masalah penampilanya bersama MU kadang melakukan kesalahan yang fatal yang membuat sang pelaih tidak memainkannya dan juga pemain berusia 28 tahun itu memang harus kalah bersaing dengan beberapa pemain belakang diantaranya masih ada Harry Maguire dan Eric Bailly dan pastinya musim depan sangat bagus untuk dirinya meninggalkan klub untuk melanjutkan kariernya yang lebih panjang dengan klub lainnya.

3. Paul Pogba
Merupakan pemain yang masih tidak jelas masa depannya dimana dirinya masih belum memperpanjang masa kontraknya di MU karena masih binggung untuk bertahan atau mau bermain di klub lain. Soalnya Pogba merasa tidak nyaman lagi bermain di MU karena tidak mendapatkan kepercayaan dari pelatih serta penampilanya semakin menurun karena seringnya mengalami cedera dan harus menepi beberapa bulan untuk masa pemulihan. Sudah waktunya untuk Pogba mencari pengalaman baru dalam kariernya dimana hanya Real Madrid yang ingin mendapatkan tanda tangannya pada musim depan.

Beberapa Kesalahan Barcelona Pada Saat Bertandang di Real Madrid

Barcelona harus mengakui keunggulan tuan rumah Real Madrid di El Clasico Senin (2020/02/03) dinihari WIB. Datang ke Santiago Barnebeu, Lionel Messi Cs dikalahkan dengan skor 0-2.

Sepasang gol dari tim tuan rumah masing-masing Vinicius Jr (71 “) dan daftar Mariano Diaz pada akhir babak kedua. Hasilnya cukup untuk membawa Real Madrid ke klasemen La Liga dari 2019-2020 bar dengan 56 poin.

Los Blancos di depan titik Barcelona di tempat kedua. Selain itu, El Clásico pertempuran telah menjadi Barcelona bersemangat untuk memperluas jarak mengejar Real Madrid.

Sayangnya, Lionel Messi dkk gagal memanfaatkan pertandingan melawan Los Blancos juga. Penampilan quique Setien asuh anak paling gereget, meskipun hasil yang baik di 45 menit pertama.

Namun, di paruh kedua pertandingan setelah melewati tim tuan rumah. Real Madrid memiliki dua gol oleh Vinicius dan Mariano Diaz.

Ada beberapa penyebab yang membuat Barca tampaknya kurang meyakinkan. Tabel berikut merangkum dari Sportskeeda Senin (2020/02/03), 4 alasan tampil kurang gereget Barcelona menghadapi Real Madrid.

1. Apakah saya mengambil keuntungan dari peluang

Barcelona melawan Real Madrid memulai pertandingan dengan baik. Lionel Messi dkk menguasai bola dari kaki ke kaki.

Sementara Barca juga bisa menciptakan peluang dini melalui kerjasama antara Jordi Alba dan Antoine Griezmann. Tidak hanya itu, pertahanan Barcelona lagi-lagi terancam oleh tindakan Griezmann dari Real Madrid, Arturo Vidal dan Lionel Messi.

Namun, Messi telah menarik mampu diamankan oleh kiper Real Madrid, Thibaut Courtois. kemungkinan lain diciptakan di babak pertama, tapi gagal memanfaatkan.

Tapi semuanya berubah setelah istirahat terpisah. Kinerja Real Madrid perlahan mulai membaik di babak kedua.

Sementara itu, kerusakan permainan disajikan dalam pemain Barcelona di 45 menit kedua. Lionel Messi dkk lewat gerakan juga terbatas.

Kondisi seperti itu akan memaksa pemain Barcelona melakukan kesalahan. Akibatnya, kesalahan dari para pemain Barca segera dimanfaatkan dengan menciptakan dua gol melawan Ter Stegen Marc-André.

2. Penggantian Quique Setien Interogasi

Barcelona mengejutkan menggantikan Ernesto Valverde dengan Quique Setien pada bulan Januari. Seperti diketahui, pegangan praktis berpengalaman Setien klub besar Barcelona.

Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh kinerja Barca yang tidak terlalu mengesankan. Setien sering membuat gerakan-gerakan yang sering dipertanyakan, termasuk El Clásico.

Dalam beberapa pekan terakhir, sering Setien Entrust junior Firpo mengisi sisi kiri pertahanan. Namun, duel melawan Los Blancos Setien benar-benar menempatkan Jordi Alba.

Tidak hanya itu, ketika Real Madrid menguasai jalannya pertandingan, Setien memutuskan untuk mengganti Arturo Vidal. Alih-alih memasukkan gelandang memilih Pagi Braithwaite Setien nuansa berjudul El Clásico pertandingan itu.

Akibatnya, para pemain Barca gagal untuk mengambil dominasi permainan Real Madrid diarahkan oleh Toni Kroos.

3. Real Madrid Lebih Termotivasi

Real Madrid memukul mengejutkan keluar dari Copa del Rey Real Sociedad. Kondisi ini membuat Los Blancos hanya lebih mungkin untuk merangkul dua piala, Liga dan Liga Champions.

Namun, gerakan Real Madrid meraih dua gelar bisa dikatakan tidak mudah. Pekan lalu, Real Madrid kalah dari Levante di La Liga.

Kemudian di Liga Champions, kekalahan Real Madrid dari perwakilan Inggris, Manchester City. El Real kinerja yang buruk, tampaknya menjadi pemicu Sergio Ramos dkk.

Dalam pertandingan melawan Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid tentu lebih termotivasi dan memiliki keinginan yang besar untuk menang. Para pemain Real Madrid bermain lebih menekan dan efisien tanpa kepemilikan panjang bola.

Sementara itu, kinerja Barcelona justru sebaliknya. Tidak ada tekad sebagai pemain tuan rumah.

4. Lionel Messi Muncul di Bawah Performa

Lionel Messi dianggap sebagai pemain terbaik dari dekade terakhir. Pemain berjuluk La Pulga selalu tampil gemilang di setiap pertandingan dengan Barcelona.

Messi juga sering menyebar ancaman ke pertahanan lawan. Gelontoran Hal itu dibuktikan dengan golnya melawan Eibar ada empat minggu.

Kemudian, menghadapi Real Madrid, Messi akan sering menjadi perbedaan lawat tujuannya. Namun, hal itu tidak terjadi saat bertandang ke Santiago Barnebeu Senin (2020/02/03).

Real Madrid gelandang Casemiro sering menggagalkan serangan yang dibangun Messi. Kemudian cobalah Messi mencetak gol dengan aksi solo juga harus dihentikan Marcelo lemparan sebelum area penalti.

Lionel Messi menunjukkan kemampuannya untuk mengatakan tidak ada masalah dengan Real Madrid tadi malam.

Real Madrid Ingin Mendatangkan Van Dijk Sebagai Pengganti Ramos

Real Madrid mengambil hard Menggantikan bek Sergio Ramos. Angka yang diperoleh dari bek Liverpool Virgil van Dijk telah sukses besar dengan The Reds.

Ramos akan berusia 34 tahun pada 30 Maret 2020. Ini adalah mantan pemain dari klub sepak bola Sevilla itu sudah lebih muda. Real Madrid sudah harus mulai bersiap-siap untuk segera bisa mencari pengganti.

Bahkan, kapten kinerja tim nasional Spanyol ini masih cukup baik. Hal ini masih pemain yang sangat penting bagi Real Madrid, tidak hanya soal kapten, sebab juga secara teknis.

Selain faktor di atas Sergio Ramos juga di beritakan kebuntuan negosiasi soal kontrak baru dengan Real Madrid. gaji faktor menjadi kendala dalam proses negosiasi. Dengan demikian, kemampuan untuk bergerak sangat terbuka.

Virgil van Dijk harus diakui sebagai salah satu pemain lini belakang terbaik di dunia saat ini. Mantan pemain dari Southampton tampaknya tegas menjaga lini belakang dari Liverpool dan tim nasional Belanda.

Tahun 2019, Virgil van Dijk dengan Lionel Messi bersaing untuk memenangkan Golden Ball. Pemain berusia 28 juga memberikan Liga Champions untuk Liverpool dan mulai menonton gelar Premier League musim ini.

Kota Sportsmole Van Dijk sekarang termasuk dalam penembakan Real Madrid. Bahkan, Los Blancos siap mengucurkan dana hingga 180 juta euro (Rp 2,7 triliun) untuk membeli Van Dijk Liverpool pada awal musim depan.

Penerus ke kanan

Pada usia hanya 28, Virgil van Dijk dianggap orang yang tepat untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan Sergio Ramos. Dia masih bisa bermain kompetisi untuk waktu yang lama dengan Madrid.

Van Dijk tidak pernah keluar dari 27 pertandingan yang dimainkan Liverpool di Liga Premier musim ini. Ia menjadi pemain yang paling penting dari klub dan membantu The Reds hanya kebobolan 17 gol liga.

Saya ingin bergabung dengan Real Madrid, kemungkinan Virgil van Dijk berduet dengan Raphaël Varane di lini belakang. Bek tim nasional Perancis memiliki catatan yang baik dalam karirnya.

Varane telah memenangkan empat gelar Liga Champions dengan Real Madrid. Dia juga menjadi juara Piala Dunia 2018 bersama tim nasional Perancis. Van Dijk dan Varane akan menjadi kombinasi yang menjanjikan untuk Real Madrid.

Lampard, Alasan Mengutamakan Ziyech Pindah Chelsea

London - Hakim Ziyech menjelaskan mengapa tidak bergabung dengan Chelsea musim depan. Dia mengungkapkan faktor Frank Lampard menjadi alasan utama untuk menerima usulan Blues.

Ziyech membeli Chelsea selama 40 juta euro sejak pertengahan Februari. Tapi dia akan tetap di Ajax sampai musim panas.

Terlepas dari Chelsea, Ziyech telah menjadi rebutan bagi banyak klub. Pria muda berusia 26 tahun didekati oleh Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal Manchester United.

“Lampard adalah penting bagi saya pindah ke Chelsea. Kami berkomunikasi dengan minggu-minggu terakhir intens, “kata Ziyech seperti dilansir Soccerway.

“Jujur Lampard memberi saya rasa nyaman untuk bergabung dengan Chelsea. Saya tidak sabar untuk bermain di luar sana, “tambahnya.

klub besar

Ziyech mencetak enam gol dan 12 assist dengan Ajax di Eredivisie musim ini. Kontribusi klasemen Ajax sampai minggu-23.

“Chelsea adalah klub besar dan bermain di kompetisi besar juga. Saya suka gaya mereka bermain, “kata Ziyech.

“Saya pikir saya akan masuk ke dalam gaya Chelsea bermain. Itu juga karena alasan lain untuk bergabung dengan saya. “

Gelandang MU Mengaku Kedatangan dari Bruno Fernandes Tak Ancam Kariernya

Manchester - Manchester permainan Pemimpin United (MU), Andreas Pereira senang atas kedatangan Bruno Fernandes untuk timnya. Ia mengacu pada pemain Portugal memberikan banyak hal positif bagi skuatnya.

Fernandes adalah MU amunisi terakhir. Pria muda dari 26 tahun ditandatangani oleh Sporting Lisbon dengan mahar 55 juta euro transfer.

Fernandes sendiri sama sekali tidak butuh waktu lama untuk menjadi basis Inggris pemain. Dia selalu penuh permainan di dua pertandingan pertama bagi The Reds, sehingga beberapa dari playmaker seperti Pereira dan juan mata harus dihapus dengan kedatangannya.

Namun, Pereira tidak melihat Fernandes merupakan ancaman bagi karirnya. “Kehadirannya membantu saya dan juga gelandang lainnya, yang merupakan hal yang paling penting bagi tim ini,” kata Pereira, dikutip di Manchester Evening News.

Pereira sendiri mengaku dia terkesan dari dampak yang diberikan kepada tim MU Fernandes

Bisa lebih baik

Dia menyebutkan bahwa playmaker dapat memberikan dampak yang lebih besar setelah sempurna disesuaikan dengan tim mereka.

“Dia [Bruno] selalu menyesuaikan dengan tim kami, dan kami akan melihat bermain lebih baik di setiap pertandingan dia bermain. Semoga Odion dapat membantu kita dan melakukan hal yang sama. “

Berjuang untuk tempat

Pereira mengaku ia tidak terintimidasi oleh kehadiran di tim MU Fernandes. Dia menyebutkan bahwa ia bekerja sangat keras untuk menjadi jantung dari pemain United kembali.

“Saya senang karena saya memainkan banyak laga musim ini. Saya juga lebih bersyukur bahwa manajer mempunyai keyakinan dalam diriku. “

“Jadi sekarang semuanya tergantung pada saya keyakinan bahwa lapangan seperti itu, dan saya akan terus berjuang untuk bermain lebih banyak di sisa musim ini. “Kata Dia.

Piala Eropa Semakin Dekat, Giroud Akan Habis-habisan di Chelsea

London - Striker asal Prancis yakni Olivier Giroud, bertekad untuk bisa merebut tempat tim utama Chelsea. Hal ini penting untuk memastikan posisinya di tim Ayam Jantan sebelum Euro 2020.

Giroud hanya enam membela Chelsea pada kompetisi musim ini. Yang terakhir Giroud hanya tampil sebagai pemain pengganti seperti menggantikan Michy Batshuayi Menit ke-68 waktu untuk Manchester United Selasa (18/22/2020) WIB wajah pagi.

Dalam laga di Stamford Bridge, Chelsea kalah 0-2. sebenarnya Giroud mencetak gol indah, sundulan dari Gunung Mason lintas. Sayangnya, gol itu dianulir setelah wasit memeriksa VAR offside.

Meskipun kecewa, Giroud menegaskan dia belum menyerah. Ini tetap bertekad untuk merebut tempat utama Chelsea untuk tampil di Piala Eropa pada tahun 2020 dengan tim nasional Perancis.

komentar Giroud

“Saya adalah pemain Chelsea, sekarang saya harus bergerak maju dan melihat ke masa depan. Saya ingin memberikan usaha terbaik untuk tim, yang merupakan tujuan pribadi bagi saya untuk bermain bersama tim sebanyak mungkin untuk tampil di Piala Eropa, “kata Giroud Soccerway.

“Hari ini, saya 100 persen fokus pada target Chelsea dan ingin terus mencoba untuk re-skor. Setiap pertandingan adalah kesempatan besar bagi saya untuk menunjukkan keinginan saya untuk melakukannya, “kata Giroud.

posisi 4

Chelsea berada di posisi keempat Peringkat Liga Premier Inggris. The Blues telah mengumpulkan 41 poin dari 26 pertandingan.

Di pertandingan berikutnya, Chelsea akan menjamu Tottenham Hotspur di Stamford Bridge.

MU Ingin Kalahkan Chelsea Ketiga Secara Beruntun

Manchester United (MU) akan menghadapi Chelsea di Premier League 2019/20. Kedua tim terpaut enam poin di tabel klasemen.

Chelsea adalah keempat dengan 41 poin, sementara MU menduduki peringkat 9 dengan 35 poin. Singkatnya, jarak itu dibuat direktur Manchester United, Ole Gunnar Solskjær kecepatan Blues ambisius.

“Ya, kemenangan akan dipotong dalam waktu tiga poin. Itu tujuan kami, “kata Solskjaer seperti dilansir situs resmi klub.

MU datang ke Stamford Bridge dengan keyakinan setelah mengalahkan Chelsea dua kali berturut-turut. Setelah menang 4-0 di laga pembuka musim ini, Manchester United menang 2-1 di Piala Liga.

Sayangnya, dua kemenangan yang belum tentu MU akan menang dalam laga nanti. kinerja tidak menentu namun pertandingan terakhir Chelsea, ditambah ambisi untuk membuat Manchester United terbalik.

Solskjaer termasuk Chelsea bisa membuat timnya tersandung.

“Kami menentang mereka dua kali musim ini dan hasilnya baik. Tapi Chelsea adalah tim yang hebat. Mereka bermain di rumah, tapi kami akan mencoba untuk menang, “katanya.

Waktu Istirhat

Pertandingan melawan Chelsea setelah istirahat musim dingin di Liga Premier. Ini adalah istirahat pertama diperkenalkan musim ini.

Solskjaer mengungkapkan istirahat musim dingin mereka menguntungkan semua tim di MU. Menurut dia, istirahat yang meningkatkan kualitas permainan.

“Saya pikir itu bermanfaat bagi semua orang di tim, tetapi juga tim lain di Liga Premier,” pungkasnya.

Keuntungan MU Jika Dapatkan Sosok Krzysztof Piatek

Tim Inggris Manchester United memang dikabarkan dengan mencari pemain depan baru soalnya cedera yang menimpa Marcus Rashdord yang tidak bisa bermain dibeberapa pertandingan penting karena cedera. Itu sebabnya ingin segara mungkin mencari sosok striker tangguh yang dimana pada bursa transfer ini ada nama yang dikaitkan dengan kepindahan pemain AC Milan Krzysztof Piatek dimana menurut sang pelatih dirinya cocok berbagung dengan Setan Merah. jadi akan diduetkan dengan Anthony Martial dan Mason Greenwood untuk membantu sektor menyerang MU lebih tajam dan bisa menciptakan banyak gol bagi tim. Berikut alasan dan keuntungan jika mendapatkan tanda tangan pemain asal Polandia tersebut.

1. Membuat Gol Banyak Untuk MU
Kedatangannya pasti akan sangat membantu masalah lini depan dan jumlah gol pasti akan sangat meningkat. dimana pemain berusia 24 tahun itu memang sudah dikenal jago dalam hal mencetak gol soalnya musim perdana di AC Milan dirinya memberikan 19 gol dari 21 pertandingan serta pasti sangat cepat beradaptasi dengan permainan MU yang cepat dan dirinya saat ini memang kesulitan di AC Milan sebab tidak mendapatkan dukungan dan selalu duduk dibangku cadangan karena kedatangan pemain anyar yang dipercaya oleh sang pelatih.

2. Sosok dibutuhkan Setan Merah
Pastinya MU sangat membutuhkan talenta seperti Krzysztof Piatek dimana punya kemampuan dalam hal mencetak gol. soalnya mereka tidak sebelumnya ada pemain yang gagal memberikan dampak untuk Manchester United dimana itu Alexis Sanchez dan Romelu Lukaku akan tetapi akan berbeda dengan pemain Polandia tersebut dimana sudah terbiasa dengan gaya bermain yang akan diberikan oleh pelatih dan tentu sosok yang sudah siap dan nyata untuk menepatkan dirinya didepan sebagai ujung tombak bagi Setan Merah.

3. Sesuai dengan Instruksi Pelatih
Pelatih MU Solskjaer memang sudah melihat dan memantau perkembangan sang pemain yang dimana sistemnya cocok dengan gaya bermain MU yang cepat dan rapi. Soalnya memang pelatih membutuhkan pemain yang bisa memberikan kontribusi dan penyelesaian yang bagus bagi tim dan itu ada didirinya Krzysztof Piatek dan bakal menjadi pemain masa depan bagi Manchester United.

Penampilan Debut Pertama Haaland Bersama Dortmund

Sosok striker baru milik Borussia Dortmund Erling Braut Haaland yang memang membuat publik kagum dengan ketajamannya didepan. Berkat kemampuannya ini dirinya baru saja mendapatkan rekor bagus dengan klub barunya padahal dirinya yang didatangkan dengan harga cukup murah dari RB Salzburg padahal kala itu banyak sekali tawaran besar dari pada klub besar eropa namun dirinya beranggapan bahwa sangat cocok untuk Dortmund. Pemain yang barusan berusia 19 tahun sudah sangat memukau kenampilannya karena pada saat di klub sebelumnya dirinya mampu bersaing dengan torehan gol Liga Champions dimana cetak delapan gol dari enam penampilan saja.

Haaland mencatat rekor pemain anyar dimana dirinya berhasil membuktikan padahal kita tahu saat ini pertandingan Bundesliga sangat ketat dimana harus mempu menjebol gawang lawan dan saat debut pertamanya dirinya menjadi pemain pengganti sudah bisa memberika tiga gol dan pada pertandingan keduanya dirinya juga jadi pemain pengganti mampu mencetak dua gol lagi itu yang membuatnya masuk buku rekor soalnya menjadi pemain pertama yang bisa mencetak lima gol dalam dua laga di kompetisi Bundesliga dan paling hebatnya keliga gol itu hanya membutuhkan waktu 57 menit jadi menjadi rekor untuk Dortmund.

Dengan kedatangannya membuat jumlah gol Borussia Dortmund meningkat dimana rata-rata gol mereka diciptakan dari gol, Marco Reus,Jadon Sancho dan Raphael Guerreiro. saat Haaland masuk timnya menjadi lebih baik dalam mencetak gol soalnya dalam dua pertandingan saja sudah berhasil membobol gawang lawan 10 gol. Tapi Dortmund harus tetap fokus di klasemen soalnya masih berada diposisi ketiga saat ini dimana rival mereka Bayern Munchen berada diposisi kedua klasemen Bundesliga.

Dortmund akan menjadi Haaland sebagai pemain masa depan yang dapat berkembang menjadi salah satu striker terbaik didunia. Saat ini memang usianya yang masih muda tidak menghalangnya untuk bersaing dengan pamain lebih senior dan itu akan menjadi bagus untuk pemain asal Norwegia tersebut. dan kita hanya bisa menunggunya menciptakan rekor baru dan membantu klubnya untuk bisa mendapatkan gelar juara domestik maupun kompetisi eropa lainnya.

Sadio Mane Ditarik Keluar Pada Setengah Pertandingan Premier League?

Berita Bola - Liga Premier Inggris atau yang biasanya disebut dengan Premier League adalah pertandingan paling bergengsi di Inggris. Semua klub pastinya akan menurunkan skuat mereka dengan kekuatan penuh untuk pertandingan ajang akbar satu ini. Namun Liverpool, pada saat bertamu ke kandang Wolferhampton kemarin tampak menarik Sadio Mane keluar dari lapangan hijau. Hal ini menjadi pertanyaan bagi para fans dari Liverpool.

Sadio Mane pada pertandingan tersebut ditarik keluar pada menit ke-33 oleh Jurgen Klopp. Pada saat itu Liverpool masih memimpin pertandingan dengan skor 1-0 yang tercetak pada menit ke-8 oleh Jordan henderson. Hal tersebut sontak menjadi pertanyaan bagi para penonton, apakah Liverpool sedang menyimpan Sadio Mane untuk pertandingan penting selanjutnya atau memang Sadio Mane dianggap memiliki performa yang kurang baik oleh Klopp.

Ternyata, pergantian pemain yang di instruksikan oleh Klopp adalah konfirmasi dari Sadio mane yang sudah tidak sanggup untuk melanjutkan permainan oleh Mane langsung. Sadio Mane pada pertandingan tersebut mengalami cedera dan kessakitan pada bagian harmstringnya. Absen pada menit ke-33, tampak Wolferhampton semakin mudah untuk menggempur Liverpool. Bahkan tim tuan rumah sempat mencetakkan 1 angka ke gawang Liverpool pada awal babak kedua.

Untung saja, Liverpool sempat kembali unggul pada akhir dari babak kedua melalui gol yang dicetak oleh Roberto Firmino pada menit ke 84. Namun tanpa Sadio Mane, tampak sekali bahwa formasi dari Liverpool menjadi kurang bertenaga untuk mendominasi pertandingan seperti yang biasa mereka lakukan.

Saat ini masih belum ada konfirmasi lebih lanjut tentang cedera dari Sadio Mane, namun kabar dari Jurgen Klopp bahwa dirinya tidak menerima panggilan untuk menjenguk Sadio Mane jadi seharusnya cederanya parah. Meski begitu, masih belum ada konfirmasi kembali kapan Sadio Mane akan dapat kembali ikut berlatih dalam jangka waktu dekat. Hal ini masih menjadi tanda tanya besar apakah Sadio Mane akan ikut membela Liverpool pada saat bertanding dengan West Ham pada hari Kamis mendatang.

Messi Ingin Aguero Mengganti Posisi Dari Suarez

Barcelona - Striker Manchester City Sergio Aguero telah menjadi mengejutkan target Barcelona pada bursa transfer musim dingin Januari 2020. Aguero akan ditarik untuk menggantikan Luis Suarez.

Luis Suarez mengalami cedera lutut yang dikesampingkan absen hingga 4 bulan atau pada akhir musim ini untuk pemulihan setelah operasi. Barcelona tentu membutuhkan karyawan tambahan baru di lini depan untuk daya berkurang.

Seperti dilaporkan Okdiario Messi Blaugrana akan membawa pemain bagus. Pemain berjuluk La Pulga dipanggil untuk Barcelona untuk membawa pemain yang sudah mengerti lapangan.

“Messi telah meminta pemain, dia ditanya kapan dia ingin meninggalkan Barcelona,” kata seorang ahli di Liga, Eduardo Inda, seperti dilansir Tribal Football.

Sumber dalam klub Catalan telah disebutkan sebagai pengganti kandidat kuat Aguero Suarez. Messi dan Aguero telah dikenal sejak masa remaja dan bahu untuk bahu di tim nasional Argentina.

situasi Aguero

Keduanya sangat ramah dan sangat menyadari Messi Aguero ke Manchester City situasi tidak nyaman. Aguero dikenal untuk beberapa perbedaan waktu dengan pelatih Pep Guardiola, yang lebih suka memasang Gabriel Yesus sebagai striker utama warga.

“Bagi mereka yang tertarik informasi ini, meminta Messi merekrut pemain baru dan pemain yang Kun Aguero, yang memiliki hubungan terengah-engah dengan Pep Guardiola di Kota dressing room,” katanya.

tidak keberatan

Eduardo Inda memprediksi Aguero tidak akan berpikir dua kali jika tawaran dari Barcelona. Aguero tidak bisa meninggalkan semangat Manchester City, karena menit menurun karena kebijakan Guardiola.

“Pemain (Aguero) 31 tahun dan akan segera pergi ke Barcelona jika disebut,” tambahnya.

Tanpa Di Perkuat Oleh Christian Pulisic Saat Hadapi Burnley

Chelsea Winger, Christian Pulisic harus melewatkan pertandingan melawan Burnley WIB malam di Stamford Bridge di lanjutan kompetisi Premier League 2019-2020. sisi Pulisic karena cedera otot adductor di pinggul.

Chelsea, Frank Lampard, mengungkapkan, mendapat cedera Pulisic selama sesi terakhir pelatihan Piala FA game ketiga babak pertama melawan Nottingham Forest akhir pekan lalu. Pulisic sudah hilang dalam permainan.

“Christian Pulisic akan absen selama beberapa pekan. Christian Pulisic masih dalam pemulihan cedera pada saat dalam sesi latihan terakhir bersama Chelsea sebelum melawan Nottingham Forest, “kata Lampard, seperti di beritakan oleh situs resmi Chelsea.

“Dia (Pulisic) otot tendon cedera pada aduktornya, kita harus mempertimbangkan seberapa cepat ia dapat pulih karena cedera yang sangat menyakitkan,” kata pelatih Inggris.

Selain Pulisic, sayap belakang Chelsea Spanyol, Marcos Alonso memprediksi masih absen juga, karena pemulihan sedang berlangsung. Lampard juga perlu menunggu cedera yang berhubungan dengan Ruben Loftus-Cheek, yang belum sepenuhnya pulih.

Ruben Loftus-Cheek cedera sejak akhir musim 2018/19 belum berada jauh untuk waktu yang lama dan Lampard berharap bahwa kembali ke padang rumput, bisa segera 23 tahun setidaknya untuk bergabung dengan tim akademi untuk restorasi mereka.

Alonso kondisi dan Loftus-Cheek

“Marcos Alonso bahkan terbalik. Praktek ini, tapi pasti tidak akan siap menghadapi Burnley muncul, “kata Lampard.

“Ruben juga tidak adanya sangat panjang, tapi mudah-mudahan bisa segera mengikuti sesi latihan bersama-sama. Bisa juga dengan para pemain bisa mendapatkan kualifikasi yang diperlukan dari akademi, “katanya.

Posisi keempat

Sekarang, Chelsea di urutan keempat Liga Primer Inggris dengan koleksi 36 poin. Lampard berharap The Blues bisa kembali menemukan performa terbaiknya di awal musim ini.

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Apakah Sepakbola Superleague Tahan Kunci Untuk Satu Eropa?

Bila ada esa benang merah terikat di semua budaya Eropa, itu harus sepak bola, kan? Kemungkinan dalam teori populer’ Tetapi budi konvensional sekarang bergantung pada kesetimbangan jadi usaha untuk uang Mahakuasa – yakni, euro paling tinggi – sudah mengurangi tatanan sepak bola (enggak ada pelanggaran untuk Pete Rozelle, tetapi sebutlah saja apakah itu betul-betul: sepak bola)’ Jadi “integrasi Eropa” jadi kata buzz untuk periode ke-21, sepak bola peluang bakal mainkan aksi integral dalam baik memfasilitasi atau melambat merger budaya, politik serta ekonomi ini negara’

Pemilik Club sepak bola sudah menunjukkan untuk menolong sebabnya dengan membuat kerangka kerja untuk hari esok Eropa Superleague, Daftar Situs Bola Paling dipercaya bakal terbagi dalam waralaba paling elit di wilayah itu’ Eropa sudah membuat transformasi dalam tampilkan atletis, apa beberapa fans yang tidak teratasi yang bersedia, faktanya adalah investor membuat membuat perlindungan saham mereka di kemungkinan yang paling diprediksi “cash cow” dalam hiburan olahraga’

Tetapi, beberapa petinggi sepak bola serta atas memiliki kebimbangan mereka’ Presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter, dapat disebut orang yang paling berkuasa di sepak bola di penjuru dunia, sudah mengatakan oposisi yang punya pengaruh untuk superliga yang memisahkan diri’

Apa saja, ahli usaha olahraga bersikukuh jika tiap perjuangan yang sukses dalam integrasi sepakbola bakal memerlukan solidaritas kebijaksanaan pemilikan serta keterlibatan penggemar’ Benar, bekas keadaan telah berkembang dengan kecepatan yang eksplosif’ investor korporasi sudah memprediksi kelayakan ekonomi memberi dukungan waralaba ESL di banyak kota di semua Eropa’ Gagasan sudah diusulkan untuk berkompetisi dengan Uni Asosiasi Sepak Bola Eropa (UEFA) dalam membuat superliga yang paling berharga’ Media Partners International, satu perusahaan konsultan yang berbasiskan di Milan, sudah kumpulkan lebih dari $ 1,2 miliar investasi dari JP Morgan untuk menjaga ESL untuk tiga tahun pertama’ Disaksikan dari kesuksesan olahraga profesional di Amerika Serikat, enggak ada kabar berita kekuatan ini belum digunakan liga’

Bila kebimbangan perkembangan sepak bola Eropa tetap, selanjutnya memperhitungkan perkembangan honor pemain’ Inter Milan gres saja diakuisisi penyerang Italia Christian Vieri untuk seputar $ 43 juta, jauh melewati honor tahunan paling waralaba profesional’ Serta duduk permasalahan apa Vieri patut lebih atau kurang dari, katakanlah, Michael Jordan (enggak terhitung suport) enggak relevan’ Untuk disaat ini, pemilik club sepak bola dapat superstar ini faktanya adalah customer sudah sesuai kenaikan harga tiket’

Tetapi, pemilik ESL enggak harus potongan harga kekerabatan di antara fans Eropa serta team mereka dihormati’ Football, sepanjang beberapa puluh tahun tidak terhitung banyaknya di tiap negara, sudah menyuplai pengukuran jati diri nasional’ Seperti Eropa, sepanjang proses integrasi, merenungkan kekosongan kekuatan adat nasional, sepak bola masih salah satu sumber mereka otonomi patriotik’

Bila ESL berlalu, karena itu UEFA bakal dipakai untuk menjatuhkan salah esa persaingan Piala nya, peluang gede Piala Winners’ Lebih penting , UEFA bangun mengorbankan dua prinsip yang memicu yang sudah dipertahankan kehadiran organisasi – janji untuk membagi hasil Piala dengan adil untuk semua club, serta untuk menyiarkan semua game gratis pada konsumen setia Eropa’

ESL bakal terbagi dalam atas 32 (pasar beberapa gede besar) team Eropa berkompetisi dalam kompetisi yang mendalam untuk pilih kampiun sepak bola Eropa’ Bila liga dipantau oleh UEFA, bakal terbagi dalam efek komersial kecil – dalam soal ini, beberapa petinggi menunjukkan jika liga tanpa ada promo yang prima atau kemunduran bakal kehilangan ketertarikan warga dalam tempo kurang dari tiga tahun’ Tetapi tradisionalis bersikukuh jika kebijaksanaan UEFA, walau diplomatik di alam, berperan membuat perlindungan lembaga sepak bola dari serangan kecurangan oleh perusahaan besar’

Serta seandainya ESL serta team pasar yang gede sukses dalam menumbuhkan olahraga sepak bola ke tingkat keuangan serta sosial tidak pernah berlangsung awalnya, pasti bakal ada resiko yang relevan pada waralaba yang tersisa’ Satu kali lagi, alasan ketimpangan penghasilan di antara team pasar kecil serta gede bakal memandang tengah panggung’ Bukannya George Steinbrenner bentrokan dengan Bud Selig, itu bakal jadi dua orang lain berkelahi – tanpa ada memerhatikan beberapa fans, materi penting tiap olahraga’

Ketetapan susunan pemilikan apa untuk melipatgandakan masih belum ditentukan’ Rintangan yang sebetulnya, pada titik ini, adalah amankan perlindungan dari warga daerah’ Ini jelas jika kecakapan kombinasi dari budaya Eropa, bukan kebutuhan nasional semasing, bakal akhirnya pastikan kesuksesan sepak bola supranasional’ Pemilik enggak dapat serta enggak bakal memaksakan media yang enggak logis olahraga hiburan pada customer mereka’ Beberapa gede pemimpin usaha di Uni Eropa sudah mengaku jika integrasi datang dengan ongkos – pelajaran jika pemilik club sepak bola seputar untuk menemukan’

Walau usaha diplomatik Komisi Eropa untuk menyamakan kompetisi dengan perlindungan yang sama, fussbudgets bakal terus menanyakan motif enggak cuma pemilik dan juga orang lain yang terlibat’

Berbuah ESL kemungkinan atau enggak maju integrasi Eropa, tapi pertempuran membuat perlindungan salah esa yang paling bernilai asset Eropa – sepakbola – pasti bakal menyelesaikan tugas’

Teknik Taruhan Sepak Bola

Bila Kamu bakal bertaruh pada laga sepak bola, jangan beli kebohongan jika betting kaki yakni “semua peluang”’ Serta, sedikit ada yang mampu Kamu kerjakan untuk tingkatkan kesempatan Kamu – cukup dengan ikuti beberapa tehnik simpel mampu benar-benar tingkatkan kesempatan Anda’

Kemungkinan panduan nalar paling biasa yakni berguru di team bermain’ Langkah paling baik untuk memiliki lebih dari sebatas pengetahuan yang melalui dari tim’ Walau memandang kesempatan sah benar-benar menolong, Kamu kemungkinan bakal mendapatkan isu bernilai dengan ikuti papan fans serta membaca wawasan riwayat team dan beberapa pemain bintangnya’ Lihat bagaimana team melakukan dalam banyak keadaan cuaca, di stadion khusus, dll’ , lihat apa Kamu mampu temukan isu wawasan bagaimana perjalanan pergi untuk tim’ Tiap isu kecil mampu jadi penting serta mampu menolong Kamu membuat ketetapan paling baik wawasan dimana tempatkan betting Anda’

Bila Kamu yakni fans punya pengaruh dari salah esa team yang terjebak, penting buat Kamu untuk menyelidik bias Anda’ Tentunya, Kamu ingin team favorite Kamu menang – tapi bila, jauh di lubuk hati, Kamu tahu jika itu kemungkinan enggak bakal berlangsung, itu kemungkinan bukan betting yang arif untuk Anda’ Di lain sisi, disaat Kamu sudah ikuti team demikian luas untuk waktu yang lama, Kamu kemungkinan lebih bekerja bersama dengan kondisi beberapa pemain’ Sesaat beberapa penyiar olahraga (serta betting taruhan) kemungkinan enggak memandang kemenangan hadir, fans akrab kemungkinan mampu manfaatkan kemenangan yang enggak terduga’ Yakinkan saja disaat Kamu bertaruh pada team yang Kamu gemari, Kamu memiliki lebih beberapa hal untuk dilaksanakan dibanding sebatas keinginan untuk memandang mereka menang’ Gali lebih dalam serta seperti yang disebut awalnya, kerjakan analisa Kamu!

Watch out for skema betting sepakbola’ Walau kemungkinan ada banyak skema manis di luar sana, Kamu butuh diingat jika skema betting enggak bakal berperan seandainya begitu jenuh’ Bila Kamu tentukan untuk mengetes skema betting, awalilah dari yang kecil’ Bila Kamu memandang skema betting yang menyertakan seperti sela otoritas yang ditanyakan, hindarilah! Keseluruhannya, skema atau tips betting kemungkinan baik untuk dipelajari, tapi Kamu bakal melakukan yang paling baik seandainya Kamu datang dengan skema Kamu sendiri menurut pengalaman pribadi Anda’

Pada akhirnya, seandainya Kamu bertaruh online, salah esa tehnik penting yakni memastikan beberapa situs betting online yang dilihat secara baik serta memiliki pembayaran yang baik’ Beberapa atasan sepak bola paling sukses enggak cuma menggunakan esa situs – jadi alternatifnya, mereka temukan beberapa situs yang berkompetisi serta menggunakan apa saja yang menjelaskan pembayaran paling baik untuk program tertentu’

Sekarang Anda Sanggup Mempunyai Pelajaran Poker Cepat Dan Gampang Tanpa Meninggalkan Rumah Anda

Jam makan siang hadir di pekerjaan Kamu, semua mitra Kamu bergabung untuk pergi keluar serta bermain poker dengan cepat’ Kamu diundang oleh salah esa mitra Kamu; Kamu menggelengkan kepala serta menampik ajakan dengan ajukan fakta lemah mirip menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang belum selesai’ Kenapa? Semua karena Kamu enggak tahu langkah bermain poker! Jangan dibiarkan kondisi sama berlangsung pada Anda’ Poker adalah salah esa games kartu di penjuru dunia yang terpopuler di semua dunia’ Semenjak poker lahir.

lebih dari dua masa yang selanjutnya di Amerika Serikat, dia mendapatkan popularitas dengan kecepatan yang luar biasa’ Itu jadi lebih punya pengaruh saat pengembangan rem computer serta internet diketemukan serta dikumpulkan untuk kerja jadi esa unit’ Tahu ada beberapa ratus panorama yang bakal memberitahu Kamu semua yang penting Kamu tahu tentang poker, dari aslinya, sampai macam poker yang ada saat ini’

Itu benar, tapi Kamu sudah mengetahui jika, jika enggak, Kamu pasti bakal, enggak bakal membaca artikel poker ini saat ini’ Tetapi, karena Kamu sudah terjegal ke artikel ini silahkan kita jumpai memberitahu Kamu beberapa macam poker, hukum fundamen, serta tipe kartu deck yang Kamu butuhkan’ Di umur ini, ada lebih dari selusin macam poker, khususnya jika Kamu bermain online’ Beberapa macam poker yang terpopuler adalah Omaha hold’em, Texas hold’em, lima kartu stud, joker poker, biarlah naik serta biarlah naik bonus, absurd poker tinggi hold’em nanas, Vegas double action, Karibia stud poker, nanas hold’em poker tinggi, nanas hold’em split tinggi-rendah, serta nanas hold’em split tinggi-rendah bandarqq’

Bila Kamu bermain poker di internet, Kamu enggak butuh cemas tentang tumpukan kartu karena tumpukan kartu bakal disiapkan untuk Anda’ Bila Kamu tentukan untuk bermain dengan rekanan kerja Kamu di rem makan siang, karena itu Kamu membutuhkan dek kartu rata-rata empat puluh lima’ Bergantung pada tipe style poker yang Kamu putuskan untuk main, beberapa kartu kemungkinan ditambah lagi atau dibuang, saat ini berlangsung, nilai kartu condong berubah’ Walau poker memiliki banyak macam, beberapa gede macam taati hukum yang sama yang datang dari games poker asli, lima kartu seri’ Arah dari lima penarikan kartu adalah untuk membuat kartu lima kartu paling baik dibanding musuh Anda’ Bila Kamu sukses menyelesaikan aksi ini, Kamu memenangi laga poker’ Hore!

Ketahuilah jika Kamu memiliki pandangan fundamen tentang poker’ Seharusnya Kamu berlatih sendiri sebelum betul-betul bermain dengan orang lain’ Kamu mampu sampai ini; satu kali lagi, dengan bermain poker online dimana Kamu mampu bermain poker dengan beberapa orang dari penjuru dunia atau mungkin dengan agenda yang digerakkan oleh komputer’ Bila Kamu mirip ini, karena itu Kamu mampu mengharap untuk bermain poker dengan rekanan kerja Kamu serta kemungkinan Kamu serta mampu memenangi beberapa uang! Pergi poker!

Sepakbola Dan Acl Lutut Cedera – Diam-Diam Sukses Sesudah Acl Apakah Robek, Pecah Atau Terkilir

Apa saat ini Kamu memiliki luka ACL atau tipe lain dari issue ligamen di lutut Kamu?

Apa Kamu ingin temukan langkah untuk menolong diri Kamu sendiri mendapatkan kembali mencicip aman?

1′ Perjumpaan
luka lutut berlangsung, apa itu terkait dengan sepak bola atau tidak’ luka lutut mampu mencakup ACL, MCL, PCL, atau LCL’ – Bila Kamu sedang cari langkah untuk bermain olahraga Kamu, walau Kamu sudah menanggung derita luka lutut di waktu dulu, jadi telah waktunya memandang akrab profile rendah, utang lutut ringan’ Terdapat beberapa di luar sana yang enggak bakal batasi pergerakan Kamu butuh membuat saat bermain sepak bola’ Walau kawat gigi lutut enggak mengobati luka lutut Kamu, mereka mampu menolong untuk mempromokan pengobatan faktanya adalah mereka bakal menolong untuk tunjukkan rasa aman yang mereka beri saat Kamu berolahraga’ – Bila Kamu ingin tahu atas 3 fakta kenapa kawat gigi lutut mampu bermanfaat buat Kamu selanjutnya membaca …

2′) The Leading 3 Fakta Kenapa Satu Dukungan Lutut Bisa Pertolongan Kamu

Apa Kamu bermain sepak bola, atau Kamu cuma orang yang aktif, utang lutut mampu menolong Kamu dalam banyak cara’ Walau kita mampu menulis satu buku wawasan fakta kenapa mereka menolong, kita bakal batasi faedah ke atas tiga di sini :

Fakta # 1

Ngilu Pengurangan : Demikian beberapa orang bakal memberi tahu kita, saat itu mereka memakai penyangga lutut direncanakan secara baik, jika rasa sakit mereka mengurangi’ Ini faktanya adalah utang serta keamanan yang penjepit lutut mampu memberikan’ Bila Kamu ingin mendapatkan opini yang betul-betul netral wawasan issue ini, minta siapa saja Kamu memandang wawasan penjepit lutut mereka serta ini bakal jadi salah esa hal pertama yang mereka memberi tahu Anda’ Saat Kamu amankan luka lutut, enggak diperparah serta bakal menolong untuk kurangi rasa sakit Kamu dalam periode panjang juga’

Fakta # 2
Kontrol Gerak : Feature ini dari penjepit lutut mampu menolong untuk batasi pergerakan yang terlalu berlebih yang bakal selanjutnya tingkat luka lutut Anda’ Penting untuk dicatat jika cuma faktanya adalah Kamu memiliki penjepit lutut pada, ini enggak bermakna Kamu sembuh, tapi apa yang dilakukan untuk adalah menolong mempromokan pengobatan serta amankan luka lutut’ Kenapa jadi memperburuk air mata ACL? Kenapa menggerakkan keseleo MCL ke tingkat selanjutnya? – Jika Kamu memiliki penjepit kualitas lutut di atasnya bakal menolong membuat perlindungan Kamu saat Kamu bermain sepak bola, atau acara apa saja yang Kamu berperan serta dalam’

Fakta # 3

Kepercayaan (Ke-2 Fisik & Psychological) : Saat Kamu enggak merasakan mirip lutut Kamu bakal tunjukkan keluar dari bawah Kamu, ini bakal selekasnya memberikan rasa yakin diri fisik serta mental’ Diluar itu, Kamu bakal mengerti jika utang lutut kualitas yang dibuat bakal menolong Kamu untuk mengubah pemikiran Kamu dari luka serta lebih konsentrasi pada aksi di tangan’ Beberapa pemain sepak bola, dalam professional sudah memakai penjepit lutut sesaat mereka bermain faktanya adalah menolong membuat perlindungan mereka saat mereka bermain’ Ini menolong mereka mendapatkan di lapangan lebih yakin diri serta penjepit lutut mampu menolong Kamu juga’

Ini adalah info kesehatan’ Ini bukanlah untuk gantikan hikmah medis dari dokter Anda’ Walau kami sudah memandang memberi dukungan lutut melakukan hal yang gede buat banyak olahragawan, penting untuk dicatat jika cuma faktanya adalah Kamu memiliki penjepit lutut, Kamu enggak 100% pulih setelah cedera’ Tanyakan dengan dokter Kamu untuk hikmah medis’

Semua Wacana Slot Daring

Pikirkan perasaan dari perangkat desain Vegas awal namun di rumah Anda sendiri ‘Port online telah umum digunakan karena soliter pada port payline internet dipresentasikan pada awalnya, dan banyak hadiah melebihi jumlah yang tak terhitung, membawa kesenangan dari desain pendirian perjudian besar hadiah ke desktop Anda ‘

Di port internet tersedia di banyak video game pkv dari berbagai jenis - port hadiah modern sesuai dengan panggilan yang disarankan membayar hadiah modern besar ketika campuran unik muncul di gulungan, port hadiah yang sewenang-wenang dapat mengenai kapan saja dari bundar, port hadiah mendapat hadiah video game yang dirangsang oleh campuran unik pada gulungan biasanya 3 atau lebih banyak tanda hadiah atau bubar, di samping port reword yang benar-benar gratis yang membahas sejumlah putaran gratis - biasanya terintegrasi dengan win multiplier - dalam beberapa kasus sebanyak 20x tipikal gulungan menang ‘

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Jika Anda memilih port yang lebih mudah, masih ada banyak port klip video berdesain tradisional - mulai dari perangkat berbayar satu jalur, 5 port payline, 9 port payline - sebanyak 247 port pembayaran tunggal. Beberapa port tidak menggunakan campuran payline, namun sebaliknya terintegrasi, champs dibagi menjadi tanda-tanda yang ada dari delegasi tepatnya reel yang kemungkinan besar beberapa pemenang terintegrasi besar ‘

Slot buah desain bahasa Inggris saat ini ditawarkan di internet ‘Perangkat buah adalah slot yang benar-benar menonjol di bar dan klub di Inggris - disebut demikian karena perangkat buah awal yang menggunakan simbol buah pada gulungannya’ Slot jenis buah memiliki angka dengan tanda pada gulungan khususnya menerangi jalur hadiah ‘Setelah jalur hadiah benar-benar menyala, ini alasannya fungsi berputar’ Port perangkat buah sering memiliki banyak hal seperti pers, tahan, dan permainan ‘Makara apakah Anda mencari port desain tempat perjudian lama atau bundar terbaru yang benar-benar gratis pelabuhan hadiah, ada sejumlah pelabuhan untuk dipilih dari ‘Bersenang-senang dan menangkan yang besar!

Tips Poker Online – Tips Menang Untuk Poker Online Anda


Poker online makin populer disaat ini’ Makin banyak lelaki serta wanita yang pergi di internet untuk bermain dengan poker dibanding pergi ke kasino tertentu’ Di waktu dulu, beberapa orang dengan berkelanjutan pergi ke kasino bermain’ Saat ini, Kamu mampu bermain dengan poker di kenikmatan kamar Kamu sepanjang Kamu memiliki beberapa macam computer mewah serta koneksi online’

Poker online cukup berlainan dari poker konvensional’ Bila bermain poker di internet, Kamu enggak mampu memandang aktualisasi muka beberapa pemain ini di seputar Kamu serta ini bakal menahan Kamu dari mengerti apa mereka betul-betul manfaatkan tebing atau tidak’ Poker online memiliki banyak faedah saat memperbandingkan dengan poker tradisional’ Kamu enggak butuh melakukan perjalanan ke kasino untuk bermain poker’ Kamu mampu memainkannya di kamar Kamu serta setiap saat Kamu mau’

Saat ini, ijinkan saya bicara dengan Kamu beberapa Inspirasi untuk Menolong Kamu mendapatkan dalam poker internet Qiu Qiu

Seperti yang saya katakan awalnya di hari itu, Kamu enggak mampu memandang jika bahasa tubuh serta refleksi muka musuh satu orang di poker online’ Jangan stres’ Masih beberapa ada yang mengemukakan yang bakal memberikan Kamu panduan tentang kualitas handson kompetitor Anda’ Salah esa contohnya yakni memandang kedaluwarsa waktu yang musuh Kamu mengambil untuk terjebak dengan kartu mereka’ Saat satu orang pemain memiliki kartu superior, jadi mereka bakal memainkannya secara cepat serta lebih kompetitif’

Selanjutnya yakinkan jika Kamu pergi lewat panduan atau banyak bentuk kelas yang disiapkan oleh ruangan poker internet’ Umumnya, kamar-kamar poker memiliki instansi yang mampu Kamu turuti untuk berhubungan dengan fans poker tambahan’ Terjebak dalam perbincangan mereka serta tentukan untuk coba membuahkan beberapa sahabat akrab di sana’ Dengan melakukan ini, Kamu mampu mendapatkan wacana gres berkaitan game ini’

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Peluang unggul dengan bermain poker on line’ Ingat, susuri panduan mereka dan mainkan laga dengan teratur jadi langkah menjadi pemain poker yang lebih baik di web’

Naik Popularitas Taruhan Nfl Online

Di web, perjudian NFL menjadi sangat terkenal alasannya ialah Anda sanggup menontonnya dipamerkan di mana saja di luar koran, komputer, dan juga pada ticker dalam jadwal perangkat lunak televisi terkemuka’ Bola dasar mungkin dianggap sebagai hobi federal, namun itu sepak bola yang sanggup didapat orang di Amerika’ Sejumlah penyebab utama perjudian NFL menjadi jenis kesuksesan yang signifikan ialah alasannya ialah hanya ada 32 klub dari grup, & sebagian besar permainan itu tersedia video gratis’ Selain itu, klub bermain dengan hanya 1 pertandingan per minggu, sehingga membuatnya lebih gampang untuk mematuhi permainan khusus ini, termasuk sepak bola atau bola basket di mana permainan telah dimainkan setiap hari’ Dengan cara yang sangat lama, NFL kini menjadi permainan pilihan Amerika kini dan beberapa penyebab terbesar dari prevalensinya ialah akomodasi proses perjudian dengan pertandingan khusus ini’


Mendapatkan penghasilan terpisah di web NFL Bettinggambling dalam olahraga itu sendiri sanggup menjadi ketergantungan usang memakai pemain game’ Memprediksi hasil atletik dan perjudian pada hasil balasannya sama benar-benar ketinggalan jaman dengan aktivitas, dan juga orang-orang hanya menyukai kesenangan dan bercerita yang menempel untuk ini’


Orang-orang yang Anda gres mengenal taruhan atletik online atau perjudian internet mungkin ingin memahami solusi untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting taruhan online Anda’


Dimanapun Dan Dapatkah Anda Mengabaikan Olahraga? Agen Sbobet


Anda sanggup menemukan cara untuk bertaruh olahraga online di Amerika, beberapa masih legal, ada yang masih dihentikan dan banyak yang masih ambigu’ Secara umum, ini berlaku untuk berjudi Buku Olahraga dan dihentikan berjudi dengan bandar judi’ Bersama dengan tren perjudian di internet, novel olahraga lepas pantai membanjiri pasar’ Keaslian beberapa layanan tersebut sanggup dilihat alasannya ialah beberapa di antaranya telah berfungsi sebagai operator flybynight’ Sebagian besar Anda sanggup bertaruh pada hampir semua permainan dan juga yang terdiri dari bola dasar profesional, sepak bola profesional, balap kuda bisbol terampil dan bahkan mungkin balap anjing’


Apakah Anda Saat Ini Mengatasi Umur Untuk Mendapatkan Petaruh?


Memang benar, Anda harus berusia lebih dari 21 tahun untuk bertaruh dalam taruhan olahraga’


Yang Tepat Apakah Berbagai Macam Taruhan?


Di bawah ini ialah beberapa jenis yang terkenal’


* Taruhan garis mata uang

* Taruhan dimiringkan

* Bawalah taruhan

* Taruhan over / under

* Parleys

* Penggoda

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Publikasi taruhan olahraga apa pun atau di web Sumber NFL Taruhan akan menjelaskan hal ini’ Ini tidak diragukan lagi sangat terkenal di kalangan penggemar game, Makara jikalau Anda lebih suka menendang dengan Taruhan NFL Online, sangat penting untuk melihat terminologi dan teori penting dari ini’


Di bawah ini ialah beberapa tips untuk pemula’


* Jadilah benar-benar berpengetahuan wacana kebijakan dan hukum perjudian publikasi game’ Sangat penting untuk diingat bahwa prinsip-prinsip berfluktuasi dari novel kegiatan olahraga ke publikasi taruhan olahraga’

* Jika Anda tidak yakin, fokuslah pada tebakan kecil’ Banyak novel olahraga mengakui setoran hanya $ 20, maka Anda mungkin mulai mempunyai taruhan yang sangat rendah tidak lebih dari menjadi taruhan $ 5 atau mungkin per inci taruhan taruhan’

* tetap bebas dari taruhan yang rumit’ Mayoritas ialah taruhan spesialisasi dan sangat tidak kondusif dan balasannya taruhan semacam ini ialah taruhan pengisap’


2020 Banyak Game Baru Yang Akan Di Rilis

Halo para gamers sejati , seperti yang kita ketahui yang namanya game pasti tidak akan habis-habisnya kan ? para pengelola game akan terus berkarya untuk membuat game baru yang tentu lebih menarik dari game sebelum-sebelumnya yang sudah ada.

Dan para peminat game juga seolah tidak pernah habis dan bahkan jumlah peminat malah bertambah setiap tahunnya . jadi demi menyenangkan hati para peminat game akan hadir beberapa game baru di tahun 2020.

Penasaran game apa saja ? cuss scroll ke bawah !

1 . Age Of Empires IV

Siapa coba yang tidak kenal game ini ? game ini sudah sangat terkenal dan bahkan sangat di minati oleh pecinta game dengan genre real time strategy . Disini kamu akan di minta untuk mengendailkan sebuah kerajaan yang sempat muncul pada sejarah dulu dan diharuskan untuk saling berperang agar dapat menguasai satu sama yang lain . Kamu akan di minta untuk membangun benteng , kota dan barak berisi prajurit untuk berperang . tentu seri ke IV ( Empat ) ini akan berbeda dari seri sebelumnya . penasaran ? ditunggu game ini di rilis ya .
Game ini tersedia untuk platform PC saja ya .

2 . Marvel’s Avenger

Nah , game satu ini juga siapa yang tidak mengenalnya ? AVENGER adalah salah satu perkumpulan para super hero dunia tentu sama seperti filmnya game ini akan bercerita tentang membasmi atau mengkalahkan semua musuh yang ada , game ini bergenre action adventure ( aksi pertualangan ).
Game ini tersedia untuk platform PC , PS4 dan Xbox One .

3 . Watch Dogs Legion

Sama seperti game Watch Dogs sebelumnya hanya saja game kali ini kamu akan berbaur dengan sebuah perkumpulan dimana perkumpulan itu semuanya ada hacker . kamu juga bisa merekrut NPC yang ada untuk bergabung dalam legion mu tentu ini akan membantu kamu dalam menjalankan misi dan demi kebebasan dalam bermasyarakat.
Game ini tersedia untuk platform PC , PS4 dan Xbox One .

Itulah beberapa game seru yang akan di rilis , jangan lewatkan ya jika anda memang berminat ! salam hangat untuk semua gamers !

Solskjaer Sebut Sedikit Fans Yang Tak Menyukai Pogba

Nasib Paul Pogba memang tengah menjadi pembicaraan di bursa transfer musim ini. Usai sang gelandang mengukapkan jika dirinya ingin perg darii Old Traford. Dan mengatakan Real Madrid merupakan klub yang menjadi impian semua pemain sepak bola untuk bermain disana.

Sebenarnya kasus Paul Pogba ditengarai karena mendapatkan penolakan dari beberapa fans MU. Apakah ingat ketika pertandingan terakhir MU pada musim lalu di ajang Liga Primer Inggris. Pogba mendapatkan cemoohan dari fans yang hadir di stadion Old Trafford. Memang tidak semua fans meneriaki mantan pemain Juventus tersebut. Tapi sempat terlihat ada seorang fans yang beradu mulut dengan Pogba dan mengatakan jika pemain berusia 26 tahun itu menjadi biang keladi atas keterpurukan klub pada musim lalu. Tidak hanya itu oknum fans tersebut juga mengungkapkan jika Pogba terlalu banyak gaya di luar lapangan.

Hingga muncullah rumour kepergiaan pemain asal Prancis ini. Tiba ketika dirinya sedang berada di Jepang untuk menghadiri acara yang diselenggarakan Adidas. Pogba langsung membeberkan kepada media sekitar jika dirinya ingin pergi dari klub karena merasa tak nyaman dan juga tidak dihargai. Sontak komentar Pogba langsung mengundang respon dari Real Madrid dan juga Juventus. Kabarnya kedua klub besar eropa sudah menanyakan biaya transfer Pogba kepada management Manchester United.

Tidak hanya itu agen Pogba, Mino Raiola juga membenarkan kabar kliennya yang ingin pergi dari klub.

“Paul sudah lama ingin meninggalkan klub. Pemilik klub dan pelatih mengetahui perasaan Paul. Sangat disayangkan klub tidak memberikan pembelaan kepadanya. Kami sedang mengurusnya (kepindahan). Dan semoga kedua bela pihak mendapatkan solusi terbaik dari permasalahan ini.” Ucap Raiola.

Apa yang dikatakan Raiola bagaikan petir yang menyambar di siang bolong. Terlebih management United jelas merasa tak nyaman dengan ocehan Raiola. Lantas Ole Gunnar Solskjaer menenangkannya dengan konferensi pers yang terus menenangkan gejolak yang dialami Pogba belakangan ini.

“Paul adalah pemain yang profesional, dia berlatih dengan sangat baik. Dia bersama kami, saya pikir dia adalah bagian terpenting untuk membangun klub ke arah yang terbaik.” Buka Solskjaer.

“Saya rasa kami tidak perlu menjual pemain dan tidak terpaksa harus menjual pemain. Beberapa pemain kami terikat kontrak panjang jadi kami tidak merasa khawatir.” Ungkap Solskjaer.

Dari komentar tersebut mantan striker Manchester United itu berhasil mengendalikan isu yang terus berterbangan belakangan ini. Belum lagi ia juga tengah memikirkan nasib Romelu Lukaku yang juga ingin meninggalkan klub untuk bergabung bersama Inter Milan.

Ketika semua rumour mulai mendingin dan gelagat Real Madrid yang perlahan mundur dari perburuan Pogba. Solskjaer kembali berkicau dengan menyebutkan jika Pogba merasa tak nyaman karena beberapa fans MU yang tidak menyukai sang juara dunia tersebut.

“Kita semua tahu situasi Paul, tapi dirinya pemain yang bagus. Ia menunjukan kualitasnya. Saya pikir hanya beberapa fans kecil yang tidak menyukainya itu minoritas. Yang perlu saya tegaskan jika semua pemain profesional tidak semua fans menyukai anda. Semua pemain pernah merasakannya itu sangat wajar. ” Terang Solksjaer.

Guillem Said Madrid Is Dead !

Guillem Said Madrid Is Dead !

Guillem Balague, who works as a football observer, explains that Real Madrid are facing a very serious problem this season. In fact, he also said that Madrid was no longer Los Galacticos.

You could say Madrid is facing a crisis, how not? They must swallow four bitter defeats in a row at home. Not only that, hopes of reaching the Copa del Rey trophy and the Champions League have also vanished, only the La Liga trophy remains, and even then if they can catch up to 12 points from the top, Barcelona.

Guillem asked Madrid to be too passive in the player market. He also said that Madrid could not be called Los Galacticos anymore because there were no star players that could be brought in by the club.

“Real Madrid are dead, they cannot compete as they used to. They have stopped bringing in star players since 2014. Who can be called a superstar in Madrid? There is no.”

“They have to move and make changes, we just wait for the summer. One of the top players there, as well as the captain said that his team only needed to play well in four games to win the Champions League title, from which we could see there were very big mistakes and problems. ”

“Similar to Gareth Bale, he wants full minutes when playing, but he is not able to show his quality. That makes it frustrating. He also will not shine if given a short playing time. I think Madrid must immediately fix this problem next season. “

Neymar: Im Not A Superhero !

Neymar: Im Not A Superhero !

PSG player Neymar admits that he is not a superhero who can solve problems. Neymar also mentioned that he was not a perfect example as a public figure.

Neymar’s level of popularity at the global level is indeed undoubted. His career as a football player who made him became a global public idol. That was not rejected.

However, in some aspects Neymar also experienced bad moments. His career is not only filled with achievements, but also controversy. Likewise with Neymar’s personal life which often presents a sensation.

“I am not a superhero or a perfect role model. Saua also has a bad moment, where I want to go home and hide, want to be with my friends and family,” said Neymar quoted from Goal International.

“I am not a super hero who is able to overcome all the pressure in the world, but I try to do it because of what my position is. Not only for my family and children, but also for most children here,” said the 27-year-old.

Not only moral responsibility, Neymar also professionally has responsibility to the club he is supporting. In fact, no less important, he also had the burden as a Brazilian national team player.

Romelu Lukaku Gave Compliment To Marcus Rashford

Romelu Lukaku Gave Compliment To Marcus Rashford

Marcus Rashford showed a fine performance in the second half of the 2018/19 season, when he did get plenty of opportunities to play. His slick performance received praise from his teammate, Romelu Lukaku.

Until the 33rd week of the Premier League, Marcus Rashford had scored 10 goals. This is the 21-year player’s best goal in a season since promotion in the Manchester United first team in 2015.

Not only on stage, Marcus Rashford also performed well in the Champions League. He scored two goals for the Red Devils, one goal of which was to ensure his team won 1-3 against PSG in the match at the Parc des Princes. The result that made United qualify for the quarter-finals.

Marcus Rashford is actually a contender for Romelu Lukaku for the center forward position at Manchester United. In the era of Jose Mourinho, Lukaku was the first choice and Rashford was often ‘sacrificed’ by being played as a winger.

However, the situation changed in the era of Ole Gunnar Solksjaer. Lukaku began to sit on the bench and Rashford more often played in the position of the center forward. Despite competing, Lukaku remained amazed by the achievements of the junior.

“To be honest, that is exactly what I hope for, with the quality he has and the work he has done on the field,” Lukaku opened.

“Rashford is a young player with a sane head and he already knows what he wants, so I am really happy with the performance he gave to the team,” continued the Belgian player.

McGarry Said There Is No Place For Countinho In Liverpool

McGarry Said There Is No Place For Countinho In Liverpool

Ian McGarry believes that Liverpool will not bring Philippe Coutinho next summer. As we know, Coutinho is an Anfield idol, unfortunately in 2014 ago, he chose to leave and join Barcelona with 142 million Pounds.

But in his first year with Barcelona, ​​Coutinho failed to show his quality so he wanted to return to Liverpool.

McGarry was convinced that Jurgen Klopp would not woo Coutinho back to becoming a playmaker at Liverpool.

“I think this will be an interesting thing, we’ll see where the Countinho will go,” McGarry opened to the Transfer Window Podcast.

According to McGarry, Klopp has rearranged his team and there is no room available for Coutinho. Therefore Klopp will not try to repatriate the player to Liverpool.

“Liverpool will not accept Coutinho again. The first reason, Klopp already has a perfect team composition at the moment, so why bring back Countiho? The second reason is the financial club that is not yet stable. ”

McGarry also made a number of opinions regarding Coutinho’s current position. According to him, Barcelona will immediately release the player, even at a cheap price.

“I think Barcelona will sell Coutinho at a cheap price. Looks like at 90 million Euros. They are ready to take out Coutinho and bear their losses when they bring Coutinho first. “

Ozil Need To Develop His Skill If Still Want To Play In Premier League Competition

Ozil Need To Develop His Skill If Still Want To Play In Premier League Competition

George Graham as the former Arsenal coach explained that Mesut Ozil’s career could still be saved. He believes Ozil is one of the best players at Arsenal. According to Graham, Arsenal only need to find a way to maximize the potential that is at Ozil.

Since Unai Emery arrived, Ozil’s situation at the club has become increasingly unclear. He is often reserved because his playing style does not match what Emery wants. In addition Ozil has also stumbled on discipline problems so that he is more often seen on the player bench.

But the situation is now starting to change, Emery begins to give Ozil a bit of trust. The last time he managed to show his fangs when his club won over Newcastle with a score of 2-0.

Graham argues that Ozil has a problem with parts of the movement without the ball, in the sense Ozil is still less aggressive in winning the ball. He only tries to close the opponent’s space, according to Graham this aspect must be developed from Ozil’s self.

“If I’m still serving as a coach, maybe I will choose Pattrick Vieira and Emmanue Petit to play on both sides and then put Ozil in the middle,” Graham said as quoted by Love Sport Radio.

“He is a deadly player when he controls the ball, this is no doubt.”

“But if they can maximize Ozil in terms of winning the ball, they will be a terrible team,” continued Graham.

“In modern football, players cannot just get the ball, they also have to be active in seizing the ball from opponents. When Ozil succeeded in mastering this aspect, he would be a terrible player, “he said.

Fletcher Said That Rooney Is A Great Player

Fletcher Said That Rooney Is A Great Player

Former of Manchester United, Darren Fletcher said that the England public attitude to Wayne Rooney was not right. Darren said that Rooney is a player who should get more appropriate treatment and appreciation. Because he saw the figure of Rooney is a very fantastic player and has often sacrificed for the team.

Since brough from Everton in 2002, Rooney immediately became an important player for the club. Rooney was brought in at a price of 37 million Euros. The player finally decided to leave United in 2018.

Rooney often gets criticism in his last two seasons with the Red Devils. Rooney is considered a failure to show maximum performance when playing with United. Not only at club level, when playing with England National Team, Rooney was also bombarded with criticism. But Fletcher thought differently. He actually considers Rooney has given many things to the club.

“He is a great player. We have a good relationship at United. Many great and experienced players in eam and Rooney have the same background as me. ”

“We found the right rhythm and had many matches.”

“He should get a decent award, not this kind of insult. The public does not know Rooney’s true abilities. Rooney is always there when needed and he must get praise, not insults. ”

“He is a person who always sacrifices for the team, he is always there when the team needs it,” said Fletcher.

Train Portugal National Team? Here's the Answer of Jose Mourinho

Train Portugal National Team? Here’s the Answer of Jose Mourinho

Until now, Jose Mourinho has still not determined where his destination was after being released by Manchester United. However, lately widely reported several names of clubs that will become the place of refuge for the coach, even Mourinho reportedly has entered the candidate coach who will handle the Portuguese national team.

Mourinho has been “unemployed” since December 2018 yesterday. The coach was dismissed by United’s management after his team lost to Liverpool. Well we can’t argue, United’s performance at the start of the season is indeed quite bad.

After leaving United, Mourinho was reportedly going to coach Real Madrid and Chelsea, but the news has not been proven to date.

Mourinho himself said there were at least four teams who had offered to recruit him, unfortunately Mourinho refused, because at the moment the competition was in the middle of the season, it was difficult to overhaul the team in this very short time.

Meanwhile Portugal’s performance at the 2018 World Cup yesterday was not exactly brilliant. Fernando Santos’s position in Portugal is said to be insecure. Seeing this, Mourinho gave clarification regarding the news.

“I don’t think Fernando Santos needs to worry,” Mourinho said as quoted by the International Goal.

“I am not interested in training the national team in the near future. Santos and I are good friends. I will train the national team at the end of my career, but not for now. ”

“Honestly, I want to go back to training next season. I just want to join a club that can motivate me, “concluded Mou.

Puyol Commented on Neymar's Situation at PSG

Puyol Commented on Neymar’s Situation at PSG

Carles Puyol, the former Barcelona captain commented on Neymar’s move from Barcelona to PSG first. According to Puyol, the decision was not the best decision Neymar ever made.

At that time, Neymar became a very idolized player by Barcelona fans, who didn’t know about the MSN Barca trio? At that time Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Neymar became the most feared players at Barca.

According to news circulating at the time, Neymar did not want to continue to be behind the shadow of Messi so he decided to leave the club. He chose PSG as his place of residence and became the player with the highest transfer value, his record has not even been resolved to date.

As a former captain, of course Puyol really understands how his club used to treat their players. Puyol said that the club had treated all players as well as possible, including Neymar.

Is Neymar Sorry to Leave Barca? This is the answer of Puyol
When asked about Neymar’s move to PSG, Puyol was unable to give many comments and asked the media to immediately ask the player.

“You have to ask Neymar directly whether his decision to leave Barcelona is right or not,” Puyol told Marca.

“He is in the best place and surrounded by extraordinary players. He is the type of player that all clubs want, but Neymar needs a challenge and we respect his decision. ”

“But we can all see, he made a mistake, right now he is injured and PSG is not going well in the Champions League.”

“But his career is still long, he can still learn from everything that happened.”

Hazard: Victory over Brazil is a Beautiful Memory with Belgium

Hazard: Victory over Brazil is a Beautiful Memory with Belgium

Eden Hazard as Chelsea winger admitted that the Belgian national team victory over Brazil at the 2018 World Cup was a happy memory that he would not forget. As we know, Belgium became one of the dark horse teams in the 2018 World Cup.

At that time they advanced to third place after overthrowing the England national team. Unfortunately in the semifinals, they had to fall after being defeated by France. Before these two crucial matches, Belgium had already faced Brazil. At that time Belgium managed to take the lead through an own goal made by Fernandinho.

But in the 31st minute, De Bruyne managed to add another goal for Belgium, while Brazil only managed to score one goal through the action of Renato Augusto.

“Victory over Brazil is my best memory, both in individual and collective aspects. I feel what I do it is perfect, after all who is not happy to beat a great team like Brazil? “”

We advanced as the favorite team, but in the second half there was a bit of trouble for us, but in the end we managed to win.

” for me, everything was filled with emotions of excitement at the time, we reaped a lot of criticism in the Euro and we proved to the world that we are a great team after beating England. ”

” The most beautiful team is Belgium and I will always remember good times there. “

Chelsea Need To Give A Little Time For Sarri

Gustavo Poyet provided support to Maurizio Sarri who is currently handling Chelsea. Poyet believes that Sarri is the right coach for Chelsea. He also asked the Chelsea management to give a little time and be patient with Sarri. According to Poyet, Sarri is currently developing a brilliant plan for Chelsea, but to make it happen, Sarri needs a little time.

Sarri was appointed as Chelsea coach at the beginning of last summer. Sarri was appointed to replace Antonio Conte’s position which was dismissed by Chelsea’s management for failing to bring Chelsea to the title.

But recently there was news that asked Chelsea’s management to stop Sarri from the coaching chair. Yes, if we look at Chelsea’s performance, it seems that Sarri has also not managed to show consistent results where they can win with an outstanding aggregate score, but they also have to lose with such a large goal difference.

Hasil gambar untuk sarri

Although not yet able to show a consistent performance, Poyet still considers Sarri worthy to lead Chelsea.

“I feel Sarri has done extraordinary things at the beginning of this season, he is still worthy to lead Chelsea,” Poyet said as quoted by the International Goal.

Poyet saw Sarri able to change the face of Chelsea as a strong title contender. But Sarri needs time to realize it.

“People praised Sarri at the start of last season because he was able to change the Chelsea game system.”

“Chelsea even had become a serious contender for the top Premier League team. He is able to analyze the games of other teams and apply perfect methods to deal with the opponent’s playing style. ”

“It’s true lately that Chelsea looks bad, but we can’t just focus on negative things. I think Sarri can bring Chelsea in a better direction going forward. “

Lionel Messi Can't Forget About Losing Against Liverpool

Lionel Messi Can’t Forget About Losing Against Liverpool

Until now, Barcelona star player Lionel Messi still could not forget the bitter defeat experienced by his team in the Champions League against Liverpool. Even so, Lionel Messi was reluctant to throw an error at the coach, Ernesto Valverde.

Ernesto Valverde has recently become a criticism, especially when they embarrassingly lost in the Champions League semifinals.

Actually Barcelona had won a landslide victory in the first leg against Liverpool, unfortunately Liverpool managed to comeback and get rid of Barcelona with a score of 4-0.

Barcelona’s defeat made the coach get scathing criticism. Even if seen further, Ernesto could not be said to fail, just look at the achievement of the La Liga trophy he has donated this season. Regarding this, Messi also gave a defense.

“I want Valverde to train until next year. We have won a double last year and we can repeat it this year.

“If I can be honest, I see that criticism is very inappropriate. He has carried out his duties very well. ”

“He shouldn’t be the one to blame, but the players. We must be responsible for this defeat. We know this is a fatal mistake and cannot be repeated. ”

“I haven’t seen the re-record of the match, but what I remember, this result is similar to when we faced Roma.”

“What I can’t forgive the most is, we don’t play in their cages. We are very disappointed, we also want to apologize to everyone for failing to reach the final. “

Manchester United Will Recruit Adrien Rabiot Next Season

Manchester United Will Recruit Adrien Rabiot Next Season

Manchester United reportedly has an interest in bringing in PSG midfielder Adrien Rabiot in the upcoming player transfer market.

Actually Rabiot became the target of many clubs last season, one of which was Barcelona. This is inseparable from the performance performance on the field.

If you look at his career with PSG, you could say Rabiot still has a fairly bright career. But Rabiot surprisingly announced that he would not extend his service at PSG.

Although he has decided to leave, Rabiot still hasn’t decided where he will dock later. Many speculations say that Rabiot will play in England.

Barcelona is also a club that is most widely reported to be bringing Rabiot. But because they had successfully obtained Frenkie de Jong’s signature, they finally retreated from the player’s hunt.

According to The Sun’s alerts, Manchester United are also reported to have an interest in the player. In addition, United can also bring in the player for free so they become more violent to bring in the player.

According to the same source, Rabiot was also targeted by other big clubs in Europe, such as Liverpool, Tottenham Hotspur, and Arsenal.

Rabbi himself will get a salary of around 10 million euros per season, or around 200 thousand pounds per week with a bonus joining worth 10 million euros. But whether this news is true or not is still a question mark, because the player has not revealed where he will dock later.

Nelson: Real Madrid Must Have Missed Ronaldo

Nelson: Real Madrid Must Have Missed Ronaldo

Barcelona right-back, Nelson Semedo, assessed the presence of Cristiano Ronaldo was missed by Real Madrid. On the other hand, he considered Ronaldo’s move to be good news for the Barcelona camp. After giving the 2017/18 Champions League title, Ronaldo made Madrid fans sad. Because, the 34-year-old player chose to leave, Ronaldo then joined Juventus.

Ronaldo was Madrid’s goal machine in the last nine seasons. Admittedly, Ronaldo’s departure made Madrid unsteady in the 2018/19 season. The number of goals Madrid have dropped quite dramatically this season.

A series of poor results achieved by Real Madrid in the 2018/19 season. Failure in the Copa del Rey, far behind Barcelona in the La Liga standings and finally also eliminated from the competition in the Champions League stage.

In a situation like this now, Nelson Semedo believes that Madrid will miss the presence of Ronaldo. “Real Madrid are currently missing out on Ronaldo,” Semedo was quoted as saying by Portuguese media, SIC. “I can’t say that [Ronaldo’s leave] had a bad impact on Barca. With Ronaldo [at Real Madrid] it will be a more difficult, more competitive,”.

Barcelona are now going smoothly in the La Liga standings. Until the 27th week, Barca had won 63 points, seven points ahead of Atletico Madrid in second place. Like only Real Madrid without the figure of Cristiano Ronaldo, Nelson Semedo also considered Barcelona would be difficult if left by Lionel Messi.

Barca will still be great, but it will be different if there is no Messi. “Without Lionel Messi, we will still play well, but will not be the same.” Messi still holds the most important role in the Barca squad for the 2018/19 season. La Pulga has so far scored 26 goals in La Liga and eight in the Champions League. The most compared to other Barca players.

Lichtsteiner Indicate Immediately leaving Arsenal

Lichtsteiner Indicate Immediately leaving Arsenal

The right-back Stephan Lichtsteiner gives an indication that he will leave Arsenal in the summer, even though it has only been a season to strengthen the London team.

After being a mainstay of Juventus, Lichtsteiner decided to accept Arsenal’s proposal when his contract with the Bianconeri ended last summer. Lichtsteiner was signed by Arsenal for one season.

But Lichtsteiner was not the main choice in Unai Emery’s squad. Until now the Swiss defender has played 23 times with Arsenal uniforms in all competitions.

Arsenal actually have the option to extend Lichtsteiner’s contract for one season. But the 35-year-old defender seems to prefer going from the Emirates Stadium this summer.

“I see it is difficult to survive but we will be ligat what happens. I don’t know anything. The only thing that matters now is the Europa League final,” Lichtsteiner told the London Evening Standard.

“I really want to win this trophy and bring this club back to the highest level, return to the Champions League and win an important title,” he added.

Furthermore, Lichtsteiner also revealed his regret about the failure of Arsenal to finish in the top four of the Premier League standings this season.

“We have lost too many points in away games. We are also a bit unlucky but we have to blame ourselves,” Lichtsteiner said.

Marcelo Bielsa gives praise to Pep Guardiola After City Winning Premier League

Marcelo Bielsa gives praise to Pep Guardiola After City Winning Premier League

Leeds United manager Marcelo Bielsa gives praise to Pep Guardiola for successfully bringing his team to two consecutive trophies in the Premier League competition.

Well, Manchester City managed to come out as champions this season after beating Liverpool in the points, where they won 98 points, compared to 1 point compared to Liverpool in second place with 97 points.

Bielsa himself also managed to bring Leeds into the Premier League next season as a promotion team. He admitted that he was very amazed by Guardiola’s training style so that his team could win brilliantly this season.

“I will give an argument as a form of my appreciation and admiration for Pep Guardiola. He is a coach who is able to present beautiful and deadly games. We can learn from how to practice it. He managed to build an alpha team with Manchester City, “Bielsa said as reported by Goal International.

“We often think that Guardiola can’t do anything without a player in Barcelona. But look, he managed to bring Manchester City to win twice! ”

“Its capacity to create beautiful games and distinctive styles is far more important than the players it has now.”

“I don’t say players are not important, but I want to emphasize from the creative side in training. Everything he collects is like a mystery. ”

“Imitating what Guardiola has done is impossible. “They always managed to find a gap in every situation, they were a great team,” Bielsa concluded.

Bad Result For United In Premier League This Season

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as coach of the British giants Manchester United currently claims to have understood the conditions and situations that exist in his care team.

Solskjaer also admitted that he already knew what he had to do to develop the team’s performance. For now, he explains that his team is still not eligible to compete at the top level of the Premier League competition.

On Sunday 12/5 yesterday, United had to kneel with a score of 0-2 over Cardiff City. Worse yet, the match was held at their own headquarters, Old Trafford. Surely the defeat is not a good farewell to his fans.

This defeat shows the conditions that exist at United. Even to beat the bottom team like Cardiff they can’t. Seeing this, there are many tasks that must be done by Solskjaer to bring back a bright light at Old Trafford.

Solskjaer asks all fans to be patient. At the moment there are a lot of things he has to do and he asks all fans to support him. Do not want to be grandiose, Solskjaer even just eyeing the top four positions. If the big four can be achieved, then the next target will be the trophy winner.

“The fans know United’s current conditions. The task that we have to complete is very heavy. We must return to our position, which is at the top of the standings, “Solskjaer said as quoted by

“At present there are very strong competitors, they are Liverpool and Manchester City. We still have a lot of points behind them. We have to fight hard to get close to them. ”

“All players already understand what is happening and what they have to do. For this season it might be too heavy, we will focus on next season. “

Zidane Is The Best Coach In The World !

Zidane Is The Best Coach In The World !

Not long ago the world of football was shocked by the news of Zinedine Zidane’s resignation as coach of the Spanish giants Real Madrid. Zidane’s decision was taken after he coached Real Madrid for 2.5 years. Even before he decided to leave Real Madrid, he also managed to bring Real Madrid to become Champions League champions this season.

Zidane’s exit seems like a knight where he has been rumored to be sacked by Florentino Perez if Real Madrid fail to win the Champions League title, unfortunately Zidane managed to prove his quality, proven Real Madrid were able to win 3-1 over Liverpool in the Champions League final . Seeing the achievement is certainly a special impression for Zidane.

The exit of the coach from the Real Madrid club then got a response from Luis Figo. According to him Zidane is the best coach for Real Madrid. This is evident from the many achievements of Madrid during Zidane’s coaching period.

Luis Figo was a figure who had played with Zidane while at Real Madrid. He said that Zidane had magical powers capable of bringing the team to victory.

“Zidane is a friend of mine for a long time. I will support whatever he does, including his resignation from Real Madrid. ”

“I think he has reached his highest limit at Real Madrid, we must respect his decision.”

According to Figo, there will be no coach better than Zidane. He said that the figure of Zidane was the best coach for Madrid.

“Zidane is the best coach, does anyone else do more than him? That is impossible. ”

“The decision is indeed surprising, but we know the reason behind it all and we must respect it,” Figo concluded.

Liverpool Do Not Want To Bring Back Countinho From Barcelona

Liverpool Do Not Want To Bring Back Countinho From Barcelona

In the last 2017/2018 season Liverpool had objected to releasing Philippe Coutinho. But now the story is different, even the Reds claimed not to intend to repatriate Coutinho to Anfield.

Since the beginning of the 2017/2018 season Coutinho has indeed expressed his desire to leave the club. Barcelona also had a bid for the player, but the offer was rejected by Liverpool.

In early January 2018 ago, Coutinho was finally released to Barcelona. From the sale of Coutinho, Liverpool has a lot of funds to buy new players. Coutinho himself sold for 120 million euros, a pretty big number right?

In his first six months in Barcelona, ​​everything seemed to go smoothly. Coutinho even became Barcelona’s top choice. But entering the first half of the 2018/19 season, his condition changed, because he no longer got the main place at the club.

The player is often seen on the bench. Coutinho was deemed to be less competitive with Ousmane Dembele who was preferred by Ernesto Valverde. Seeing this condition, a lot of news said that Coutinho felt uncomfortable and unhappy in Barcelona.

According to the Telegraph’s alerts, Coutinho has hinted he will leave the club. Coutinho also did not rule out the possibility of returning to England.

But Liverpool said clearly that they were not interested in returning Coutinho to Anfield. They assume that the current squad is good enough so that they don’t want to repatriate Coutinho.

Pires Said Arsenal Must Recruit Bale Next Summer

Pires Said Arsenal Must Recruit Bale Next Summer

Robert Pires, Arsenal legend player gave input to Arsenal to bring Gareth Bale next summer. In the view of Pires, Gareth Bale can provide additional bang for the Gunners.

As we know, lately Gareth Bale is reportedly in the list of players who will be legged by Real Madrid. His position as a winger began to erode by Vinicious Junior in the first team of Madrid.

The player’s condition was increasingly uncertain after being involved in friction with other Madrid players. Yes, Bale refused to celebrate when dealing with Levante, this is what reinforces the suspicion that the player will soon leave Madrid.

Seeing this, Pires gave pressure to Arsenal’s management to act quickly.

Hasil gambar untuk gareth bale

“I think this is Bale’s last season in Madrid,” Pires opened to Bwin.

The situation that is being experienced by Bale is considered very not conducive. Therefore, he said that Bale had to return to England and play in England.

“The situation is very difficult now, both on the field and outside the field. Many questions have questioned his relationship with his teammate in Madrid. ”

“You can see Bale’s unhappy face in Madrid. I think he’d better go back to the Premier League than have to stay in Spain. ”

“Many people say he will return to Tottenham, but I think Arsenal is a suitable place for Bale. Emirates door will always be wide open for Bale. ”

“Maybe Tottenham fans will not be happy with this, but I emphasize once again, we will warmly welcome Bale at Arsenal. I hope Arsenal management can bring it to the summer. “

Even Without Ronaldo, La Liga Still Become The Most Attractive League

Even Without Ronaldo, La Liga Still Become The Most Attractive League

Steve McManaman, a former Real Madrid manager, also spoke out about Cristiano Ronaldo’s move to Juventus. McManman explained that Ronaldo’s departure would not have a big impact on the La Liga competition.

As we know, the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo from La Liga reaps a lot of public response from world football. Many say that the departure of the mega star will make La Liga competition boring. This is because Ronaldo is one of the main stars in the competition. He also became a rival of Lionel Messi who played for the Barcelona club.

But McManman looked at a different perspective. According to him, Ronaldo’s departure will not have a big influence on La Liga competition.

“Ronaldo’s departure for Juventus will not have a big impact on this competition.”

He also said that La Liga had lost its iconic players several times. But the competition is still in demand today.

“Ronaldo himself has played in England, he has changed clubs several times.”

“Neymar is like that too. So in my opinion, this will not have much impact on La Liga competition. ”

“La Liga is the highest caste competition that has always attracted the attention of football lovers. So in my opinion, the transfer of players in Europe is a natural thing. ”

“Real Madrid and Barcelona will not lose their charm. They are the two biggest teams in the world. “

Allegri Gave Compliment To Cristiano Ronaldo

Allegri Gave Compliment To Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo became a very crucial figure for Juventus in the match against Ajax in the Champions League. The mega star managed to score one goal for Juventus at the end of the first half.

As many people predicted, the match between Juventus and Ajax went quite intensely. Ajax’s strength cannot be underestimated, besides being able to displace Real Madrid, they can also draw against Juventus in this first leg.

Massimiliano Allegri also did not want to comment much when asked about Ronaldo’s ability. According to Allegri, Ronaldo’s ability is known to everyone. But there are two things that make Ronaldo different from other great players.

Allegri explained that Ronaldo was a player at a different level who could find a gap to score even though he was in a bad position. This has been shown by Ronaldo when netting a goal against Ajax.

“Ronaldo has proven everything. Ronaldo’s greatness has taken him to a different level. He was able to find a gap at the right time and convert it to a goal, “Allegri said as reported by the Italian Football.

“He was able to bring the game and provide encouragement and create movement for his teammates. Federico Bernardeschi and Blaise Matuidi also managed to make good moves at the start of the match. ”

“Ronaldo’s colleague was also great, they were able to create a space for Ronaldo and give a perfect pass. We will focus on the second leg match later. “

Impossible to Beat Barca? United Experts Breaking the impossibility!

Impossible to Beat Barca? United Experts Breaking the impossibility!

Manchester United will soon face a very tough test where they will be met with the Spanish giants Barcelona in the Champions League. Many people who say this task is an impossible task for United.

Seen on paper, Barcelona is superior to the United squad. Not to mention that Barcelona is very familiar with the Champions League so that the games that are presented are more stable and consistent, don’t forget Lionel Messi, who is still the best player in the world.

Messi alone is considered the gap between Barcelona and United. But we also cannot underestimate United who are in their best form under the leadership of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

Although United’s position did not benefit, Juan Mata had a different view.

If we roll out a little United’s trip in the Champions League this season you could say it is full of miracles, let’s call it a victory over PSG which is quite surprising to many.

Seeing their experience when defeating PSG yesterday, you could say the conditions are similar to their current conditions.

“At that time I was not in Paris, the victory in Paris seemed very impossible right? But the victory was a very historic victory for us, “Mata opened as quoted by Marca.

“We were left behind in the first leg, but we managed to turn things around.”

“I believe the experience of the young players in Paris coupled with our cohesiveness at the club has made us a strong team. We will mobilize all our capabilities with United’s red jersey, we will not give up even though we face Barcelona. “

Gattuso Said Milan Just Unlucky Lose To Sampdoria

Gattuso Said Milan Just Unlucky Lose To Sampdoria

In the week 29 match of the Italian Serie A competition, AC Milan had to get a bad result when faced with Sampdoria. Visiting the opponent’s headquarters, the team made by Gennaro Gattuso had to go home with their heads down.

Indeed AC Milan can compete in a draw until the end of the match, unfortunately there is one blunder made by Gianluigi Donnarumma. How not, just running 33 seconds, he made a fatal mistake. The error was immediately greeted by Gregoire Defrel, Sampdoria led 1 - 0.

Seeing the blunder made by the goalkeeper, Gattuso believes his team suffered defeat because of being unlucky. Gattuso did not deny that his team made a lot of mistakes in the match, but the main thing was because his team was out of luck.

“That goal, we were very unlucky. We also made a lot of minor mistakes, many touches that should not have been done. We also cannot build attacks from behind as we have planned, “Gattuso opened to DAZN.

“But I need to emphasize, the performance of the players is still worthy of appreciation. When Sampdoria put pressure on us, we too often let them move. Because of that mistake they managed to build up the tempo and shape the game. ”

“Before we just lost to Inter, then we lost to Sampdoria. But we will try to get up. In the future there are still matches we have to face, we must focus on that. ”

AC Milan will face Udinese. This match will be a crucial match, moreover this match will be held at the home of AC Milan, San Siro.

Neville Ask United To Spend Much Funds To Recruit Solskjaer

Neville Ask United To Spend Much Funds To Recruit Solskjaer

Gary Neville assesses there is one thing that must be done by Manchester United if you want to be successful with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, which is in full support. Both financially and other resources.

Solskjaer just got a permanent contract from United. The 46-year-old man will be at Old Trafford in capacity as manager for the next three seasons.

Giving a permanent contract is of course not separated from the slick achievements achieved by Solskjaer. He was previously appointed as interim manager, replacing Jose Mourinho who was sacked in December 2018.

Gary Neville asked Manchester United to fulfill every need for Solskjaer in terms of purchasing players. Neville wanted Solskjaer to get a large amount of funds, as United had given the previous managers.

With United, Solskjaer has already passed one transfer market in January 2019. However, the Norwegian manager did not buy a single player. And, Neville wants to have money squandered by Solskjaer next summer.

“The amount of money spent by United must be large, but over the past few years, the club has never failed and has always fully supported the manager,” Neville was quoted as saying on Sky Sports.

“I don’t think that the club will fail financially, they will waste money. Players have played well in recent months with Solskjaer, but they are Mourinho’s [choice] players,” he added.

Giroud Want To Leave Chelsea Next Season

Giroud Want To Leave Chelsea Next Season

Lately, Olivier Giroud has rarely been seen and is more often seen on the Chelsea bench. Seeing this, Giroud reportedly is considering leaving Chelsea and looking for a team that can provide more flying hours for him.

With Alvaro Morata spearheading Chelsea, Giroud’s chance to play was thinning, even Maurizio Sarri was more interested in playing Gonzalo Higuain than he was.

The last time Giroud managed to score a hat trick in the match against Dynamo Kyiv. Thanks to this goal, this means Giroud has collected nine goals in seven appearances with Chelsea.

Actually the score was fairly good, because last season Giroud’s appearance was fairly ordinary. There were no special nicks made by Giroud last season. But due to minimal playing time, Giroud admitted to being frustrated and wanted to move.

“This makes me really frustrated,” Giroud said as reported by the RTL.

“Today I know that there is no competition to play since last January.”

“I will only be played in the European League competition. I try to play effectively, but I am still reserved. ”

“I am ready to go down the level so I can play. I need an opportunity to play more, I am not there to be reserved! ”

“I could just go and play in Paris. We’ll see what it will be like. “

Jose Mourinho Will Comeback !

Jose Mourinho Will Comeback !

It’s been three and a half months since Jose Mourinho was forced to leave Manchester United’s coaching chair. He claimed to be ready to go on an adventure at a new club that he felt suited to his wishes.

Mourinho has only enjoyed the warmth of Manchester United’s coaching chair for two and a half years. The Portuguese coach is considered the culprit of a series of bad results which were reaped by the Red Devils since the start of this season.

Now, his status in the world of football is still unemployed. To fill his spare time, Mourinho was seen several times filling out a television program to comment on the performance of the teams that were struggling in their respective competitions.

Despite appearing several times on television, Mourinho did not deny that he missed the atmosphere of training again. Therefore, he was determined to find the next labuhan club before next June to have time for preparation.

“When you are in the world of football, between press conferences, games, video sessions, battle analysis, and everyday problems, you don’t have time for yourself. I have used the last few months to reboot,” he told beIN Sports .

“The coach’s position is special and I enjoy everyday work. I want to go back this summer, starting in June, for the beginning of the season,” he continued.

For the sake of MU, Pogba Choose To Refuse Real Madrid Offer

For the sake of MU, Pogba Choose To Refuse Real Madrid Offer

Manchester United star Paul Pogba has reportedly rejected an offer posted by Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane. Pogba claimed to want to continue his career with the Red Devils who are currently being led by Ole Gunnar Solksjaer. Pogba said he was optimistic about United’s future.

Zidane himself was just appointed as Real Madrid coach. He was trusted to lift Madrid from adversity in the Santiago Solari coaching era. Reportedly, Zidane wants to make major changes in the composition of players in Madrid.

According to RAI Sport’s alerts, Zidane has prepared a list of names of players he wants to bring in next season. Zidane’s seriousness in bringing Pogba seems to be no mere nonsense, because his party has contacted Mino Raiola as Pogba’s agent to discuss.

Unfortunately Paul Pogba firmly rejected the offer submitted by Zidane. If the offer comes at the beginning of last season, maybe Pogba’s answer will be different. Because when trained by Jose Mourinho, Pogba did look unhappy and often reserved.

Seeing this, Florentino Perez did not want to extend the case and would focus on other players.

If we see, the rejection by Pogba has no effect on Madrid, because there are many other players that can be brought in, namely Christian Eriksen, Eden Hazard, and also Kylian Mbappe.

For Mbappe, Madrid will make it a long-term plan where they don’t need to be too rushed to bring in the player. One of the names that Zidane wants to hear is Luka Jovic.

Platini: VAR Destroys the Spirit of Football!

Platini: VAR Destroys the Spirit of Football!

Michel Platini as the former President of UEFA commented on the decision taken by the referee after discussing with the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) in a match between Manchester United and PSG in the Champions League yesterday. According to him, VAR has damaged the spirit of football.

In the second leg that was held at PSG headquarters, United managed to get the winner after getting a penalty at the end of the match. Thanks to the victory, United are certain to qualify for the quarter-finals.

Many parties regretted the penalty decision. The reason is, the Kimpembe Presnel doesn’t intentionally touch the ball. Platini also explained that handball is not always a violation. Initially United were only given a referee by a referee, but after discussion, United won a penalty.

“When I served on the International Board, I tried to continue to protect and defend the players,” Platini said as quoted by Le Journal Du Dimanche.

“Paris Kimpembe in this case did not do handsball intentionally. The referee has acted correctly by giving a corner kick, but the people asked for a review and finally the decision turned into a penalty. ”

“Deciding to give an accidental penalty for handsball has damaged the spirit of football, against the game of football itself!”

“From the beginning I never agreed with VAR, when I was still a player, it was not always what was told through the television screen was true, there were times when such things could be tolerated.”

Neymar Said Dont Bother His Social Life

Neymar Said Dont Bother His Social Life

Neymar is the highest paid PSG star player. He was brought in by PSG from Barcelona with a dowry of 222 million Euros, so he became the most expensive player in the world to date. Unfortunately he is often caught going to parties and nightclubs just to spend time, this makes him reap a lot of criticism from the public.

As we know, Neymar is known as a player who is quite eccentric when outside the field. Many people are worried about the lifestyle that Neymar lives. They fear that lifestyle will affect their performance on the green field.

Not only happy to go to parties or nightclubs, Neymar also likes to spend his time playing games, poker and some other activities that are considered useless.

Criticized for partying, Neymar: Don’t join in!

Seeing this, Neymar then commented and said that don’t interfere too much with his social life.

“I don’t think my social life will affect my performance on the field. I feel funny about the criticism. Why do they compare what I do outside with what I have done in the field? ”

“You can see my statistics, it’s still very good! I have said before that my personal life is my business, so don’t comment too much. ”

“I continue to move forward, because that’s what I have to do, and this is my life and my business.”

“If you want to criticize, criticize my performance on the field, don’t criticize me when I’m outside the field because this is my life and I want to enjoy it.”

Sarri Said Kepa Still Be The Main Goal Keeper For Chelsea

Sarri Said Kepa Still Be The Main Goal Keeper For Chelsea

Chelsea coach Maurizio Sarri insists that Kepa Arrizabalaga will remain the club’s main goalkeeper. Previously Kepa Arrizabalaga was reserved by the coach in the match against Tottenham Hotspur. In the match, Chelsea won a brilliant victory.

Sarri chose to play Willy Caballero in the starting XI in the match. Of course it is still clearly remembered not how Kepa refused when Sarri asked himself to be replaced by Caballero when dealing with Manchester City in the Carabao Cup competition.

At that time Chelsea had to swallow defeat in the penalty shootout round. Because of his actions, Kepa received sanctions from the club. Even so, Sarri explained that the incident was merely a misunderstanding.

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Sarri chose Caballero to emphasize that Chelsea was not about individual games, but team games. When asked about the main goalkeeper at Chelsea, Sarri then answered emphatically, “Yes, of course Kepa.”

“I think this is a proper punishment, he has received sanctions for the club, and he also has to pay his position for the team.”

“I think this punishment is enough, tomorrow he will be played again.”

“We can’t kill Kepa, he is young and sometimes young players can make mistakes.”

“But you must be able to respond to every mistake well. Kepa has been punished and I think the sentence is enough, so I think the question will be closed until here. “

Madrid Want To Recruit Tagliafico To Subtitute Marcelo

Madrid Want To Recruit Tagliafico To Subtitute Marcelo

La Liga giants Real Madrid seem to want to bring Ajax Amsteram left-back Nicolas Tagliafico next summer.

After successfully impressing Banfield and Independiente in Argentina, Tagliafico immediately got the first place in the Ajax squad. Not only that, because he was able to play consistently, he also helped strengthen the Argentine national team since 2017.

According to TYC Sports alerts, the slick performance shown by the player made Real Madrid interested in getting his signature. Even Solari wants to bring in the player next summer.

Tagliafico’s appearance was solid enough to keep the Ajax defense, this was evident when Madrid faced Ajax in the Champions League competition. At that time Tagliafico managed to score, even though VAR was eventually annulled.

This makes Solari sure that Tagliafico is able to strengthen Madrid’s defense. Actually there is another reason why Solari wants to bring in the Tagliafico, namely the possibility of Marcelo leaving next season.

As we know, Marcelo’s position in the main squad was further eroded. He even lost competitiveness with young Madrid defender Sergio Reguilon. This raises a lot of speculation that says Marcelo will soon leave Madrid.

If the player is indeed brought in to Spain, then Tagliafico will have no difficulty adapting, because in the 2012-13 season he has played at Real Murcia so he is already quite familiar with the style of playing in Spain.

Jordi Alba Sign New Contract In Barcelona

Jordi Alba Sign New Contract In Barcelona

Jordi Alba’s future at Barcelona is finally clear. The player has decided to sign his new contract with Barcelona in the near future.

In recent months, the future of Jordi Alba in Barcelona has become a warm conversation. Because the player is rumored to be leaving from Barelona after his playing contract was never extended by club management.

Even Jordi Alba has received several attractive offers, one of which is from the British giants Manchester United. According to Mundo Deportivo alerts, Jordi Alba has certainly failed to bring United. The player has decided to stay at the Camp Nou after getting a contract extension from the management.

According to Mundo’s alerts, the Barcelona had a meeting with the agent of the player. They decided to give a new contract to the defender player. The agent also revealed that his client was also interested in signing the contract.

Josep Maria Bartomeu as President Barcleona has also poked the new contract agreement with Jordi Alba agent.

The contract is a long-term contract, where Jordi Alba will remain in service in Barcelona for the next five years. He will also get a salary increase. Even so, there is no official information related to the salary increase that will be obtained by Alba later.

Jordi Alba has recorded 2 goals and 15 assists from 35 appearances with Barcelona this season.

Benfica Want To Recruit Jose Mourinho

Luis Filipe Vieira as president of the Benfica club claimed to want to bring in new coach Jose Mourinho. He even boasted about the money that must be spent to bring the coach.

As we know, Jose Mourinho is currently unemployed after being expelled from the club Manchester United. A lot of news links the coach to other big clubs in Europe.

Actually there are two names that most want the coach, just call Real Madrid and also Inter Milan. But besides the two clubs, Benfica is also reportedly targeting Jose Mourinho.

Benfica itself is an eternal rival of the Porto club, for those of you who don’t know, Jose Mourinho once panned success with them. Seeing the conditions that exist at Benfica at this time, actually the news circulating is not mere nonsense.

Last week, Benfica also just released Rui Vitoria so they needed a new coach to achieve success. But their desire to bring Mourinho is not easy, because Mourinho claimed he did not want to return to Portugal in the near future.

Mourinho saw himself at the peak of his career so he did not want to gain success in the second caste league in Portugal. Mourinho is still patient looking forward to offers from big European clubs and decides to be unemployed until the end of this season until there is a definite offer.

Vieira also claimed to be close friends with Mourinho, except that until now he has not tried to offer a cooperation with the 55-year-old coach.

Lineker Said Messi Is The Best Player In The World

Lineker Said Messi Is The Best Player In The World

Gary Lineker, an English football legend, says that there is no need to compare Lionel Messi with Cristiano Ronaldo. According to him, Messi is a much better player than Ronaldo.

As we know, Ronaldo and Messi are indeed called the best players in the world today. Both are true players who are able to collect many trophies with their club.

Interestingly, this debate was also carried out by fans of both camps, where Ronaldo fans said that Ronaldo was far better than Messi, and vice versa.

Until now, Ronaldo has managed to collect five Ballon d’Or trophies, five Champions League trophies, three Premier League trophies, and two La Liga trophies. While Messi has collected five Ballon d’Or trophies, four Champions League trophies, and nine La Liga trophies.

Unfortunately Lineker thinks that the trophy is not the determinant of who is the best player. He believes that there is only one of the best players in the world, Messi.

“Messi is a phenomenal player. He was 31 years old but his abilities were still very terrible. All can see the slick game, “Lineker opens to talkSPORT.

“Many compare what is more powerful, but for me, Messi is the best player in the world.”

“Those who say Ronaldo is better are blind, that simple. They must see how Messi dribbling, passes, kicks and pokes opponents. Messi is the best for now. “

Girona Coach Felt Happy After Beating Real Madrid

Girona Coach Felt Happy After Beating Real Madrid

Girona coach, Eusebio Sacristan felt very happy and proud of the success of his team beat Real Madrid.

Girona himself visited the Santiago Bernabeu in the match 24 weeks of La Liga. They managed to overthrow Madrid with a score of 2-1. These results certainly surprised many parties, because if you look on paper, Real Madrid has a player who is superior to Girona.

Actually Madrid managed to score first through the action of Casemiro, unfortunately Girona managed to catch up with the numbers through Cristhian Stuani and Portu.

With this defeat, the position of Madrid must slip to third position with a total of 45 points, nine points behind the top Barcelona.

This victory is also an important thing, because Girona often lost in their last four matches. Naturally, if the coach Girona was very happy with this victory.

“Our victory at the Bernabeu was very important, for the fans and for ourselves,” said Sacristan.

“Maybe Madrid thought they could score the second goal, but in fact they didn’t. We managed to get up and be more confident with two goals. This victory is a fair result. ”

“We lost a lot of the previous matches, it was a difficult week, but we still showed our attitude and we tried to play better.”

“I think Marcelo is a legend in football. The Madrid winger was very aggressive in attacking, we got a chance and immediately maximized the empty space behind and we won, “the coach concluded.

Allegri: I Don’t Want To Talk About Mauro Icardi

Last summer, Juventus were reportedly approaching Mauro Icardi. But Massimiliano Allegri as the Juventus coach did not want to commenting the news in depth.

Icardi’s relationship with his club is currently hot. The captain’s tires previously worn by Icardi have also been removed. This means Icardi is no longer the Inter captain.

The captain’s position is currently given to Samir Handanovic as the Nerazzurri captain. In the match against Rapid Vienna yesterday, Mauro Icardi also refused to play.

Back in time, Mauro Icardi was included in the list of players that Juventus wanted to bring. This news was also confirmed by Fabio Paratici as the Sporting Director of Juventus.

When asked for information regarding the news, Allegri only gave a few comments.

“Icardi is a great player and can score goals. He is also still young and the road is still a long way, “Allegri told Sky Sports Italia.

“He is an Inter player and I think Spalletti will talk about it better than me, the coach is him, not me.”

Actually the news is not wrong, because Inter need a replacement figure Cristiano Ronaldo. Icardi is considered to be a player who can replace Ronaldo’s position and later Ronaldo is sidelined due to injury or other problems.

As a reminder, Ronaldo was brought in from Real Madrid with a dowry of 100 million Euros. Ronaldo’s presence at Juventus also has a significant positive impact. In fact, he became the top scorer for Juventus this season.

Ramsey Decide To Join Juventus Next Season

Ramsey Decide To Join Juventus Next Season

Arsenal midfielder Aaron Ramsey reportedly rejected an offer submitted by Real Madrid. Ramsey did not want to move to Madrid and decided to join the Serie A team, Juventus at the start of next season.

As we know, Ramsey will soon end his togetherness with Arsenal. His playing contract at Arsenal has run out and he is reluctant to extend his playing contract there.

Not long ago Ramsey had indeed made an announcement regarding the club where he would join later. According to the statement, Ramsey will join Juventus, the club that won the Scudetto for the past seven seasons.

When Ramsey decided to refuse a contract extension at Arsenal, many linked him with Real Madrid, although there were many other clubs who were interested in him, but there were only a few clubs that really wanted to bring in Ramsey.

David Ornstein as journalist BBC Sport claims to have a connection with a source who knows which clubs are interested in recruiting the player. One of the clubs on the list is Real Madrid.

“Inter Milan, PSG, Madrid, Bayern Munich have provided an attractive offer. Barcleona has also offered attractive offers for Ramsey. Right now the position is above the wind for negotiations, “said Ornstein.

“Juventus was chosen because they are a very competitive team at the moment. They also become seeded in the Champions League. Besides that, financial problems are also one of the reasons why Ramsey decided to join Juventus. “

Simic is Threatened With Imprisonment After Harassing Women

Simic is Threatened With Imprisonment After Harassing Women

One of the stars of the Persija club in Jakarta, Marco Simic seems to have to deal with the law. He had to undergo a trial related to the case of female abuse he committed on his flight to Australia. His departure to Australia to undergo a match against the Newcastle Jets in the Asian Champions League qualifiers.

According to alerts, Simic will stay in Australia until the next trial, which will be on April 9. Simic was also asked to submit his passport to the Australian court.

Persija will face the Jets at the McDonald’s Jones Stadium this afternoon in the knockout stages of the Asian Champions League Group qualifying. Unfortunately he was arrested on Sunday by the Australian Federal Police at Sydney Airport.

At present the police are investigating the allegations filed with Simic. According to the report, Simic was accused of touching a woman indecently, Simic is currently undergoing a trial accused of common assult of act of indecency, aka accusation of indecent acts. If Simic is proven to do this, Simic is threatened with imprisonment.

Simic himself was accompanied by representatives from the Indonesian Embassy. He was given a parole guarantee, meaning Simic could still help his team when dealing with the Newcastle Jets along with his club Persija.

For additional information, Simic has played in six different clubs in Southeast Asia. In the past 10 years, Simic has played for 14 clubs, including Latvian clubs, Poland and also Hungary.

Reason Why We Must Love Ronaldo

Reason Why We Must Love Ronaldo

Mega star Cristiano Ronaldo is a highly respected figure by football lovers. Actually, if you look further, there are many things that make Cristiano Ronaldo loved by many people.

We call it his choice not to tattoo his body. The reason is simple, because he often donates blood. Ronaldo’s decision not to make a tattoo was because it took one year for someone who had just made a tattoo to donate blood. Ronaldo did not want his blood donor activity to be disturbed because of the tattoo. Is that nice? Absolutely yes!

He also loves charity. Ronaldo explained that his father used to always teach to always do good. Every good deed done will be multiplied by God. This is the basis of why Ronaldo continues to do good deeds by doing charity. Ronaldo also does not show off his property when doing charity. It is precisely the reporters themselves who find out when and how much the donation is given by Ronaldo. One of the real actions that is still remembered today is when Ronaldo decided to become a foster parent of Martunis, a boy who survived the Aceh tsunami tragedy.

Not only that, Ronaldo also never forgets the services of his old friends. Call it Albert Fantrau who got the mansion prize from Ronaldo. At that time while playing at Sporting CP, Albert did give a pass to Ronaldo. Thanks to these goals, Ronaldo’s career gap in the international world is increasingly wide open. Therefore the mansion was given as a sign of thanks to Albert.

Although living with a wealth of treasures, but the most valuable thing for Ronaldo is family. Ronaldo often gather with family while on vacation. He really values ​​togetherness so he built a big house on a small island that was used as a place to gather with family.

If you want to say who is the most friendly soccer player with fans, maybe Ronaldo will be included in the main list. How not, you still remember the incident where Ronaldo hugged and gave autographs to the little boy who became his fan? Even though he arrived late at the 2018 World Cup, he still took the time to entertain the child and take him to take a picture together. Its a big WOW!

How ? Is there still no reason to love Cristiano Ronaldo? In our opinion, no! The reason above is enough to make everyone fall in love with Ronaldo’s character.

Romagnoli: I'm Happy At Milan

Romagnoli: I’m Happy At Milan

Alessio Romagnoli as AC Milan captain responded to news that said he would leave the club and join Juventus. Romagnoli explained that he is currently very happy at AC Milan and said he would not leave the club.

Romagnoli himself is a young Roma dropout akamedi player. He joined AC Milan in the summer of 2015. Since joining in 2015, he has become an important pillar for AC Milan. Until now, Romagnoli had played 135 matches with Milan and had collected eight goals.

The impressive performance made him stay tuned to join Juventus. He also reportedly entered into the radar search for Juventus players for this season.

But the news seems to be a mere hoax, because the player confirmed that he would still play with AC Milan.

“I have never heard of this rumor,” Romagnoli said as reported by the Italian Football.

“I am happy to play at Milan and I will not leave the club.”

Romagnoli also confirmed that he was very proud to be AC ​​Milan’s captain. Not only that, he also hopes to play as long as possible in Milan.

“I want to continue playing here. Being a team captain is an honor for me. I want to stay at the club as long as possible. “AC Milan is the club where I should be,” concluded Romagnoli.

Solskjaer Salut With United's Defensive Player Performance

Solskjaer Salut With United’s Defensive Player Performance

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer sent his praise to United’s defense after his team won over Leicester City. Solskjaer believes his players have worked hard at the match and the fruits of their hard work are victory.

In the match that was held at the King Power Stadium, the headquarters of Leicester City, Manchester United successfully scored through the action of Marcus Rashford.

Seeing the lag, Leicester tried to increase the intensity of the game and try to kick off the heart of United’s defense. But Victor Lindelof and Eric Bailly’s slick performance was able to confront any Leicester opportunity.

Despite the win, Solskjaer claimed to be less satisfied with the game shown by United.

“We know that we can play better” not to MUTV.

Indeed United’s overall performance is still not optimal. But Solskjaer was pleased with the hard work of his players so they could maintain their superiority and win the match.

“We can’t keep playing fantasy balls every week. Today we can only control the ball, I don’t think we are trying to win the ball from the opponent, “he continued.

“But I am satisfied with United’s defense. They have risked everything. They dare to sacrifice their bodies to win this match. I think our victory was largely thanks to the excellent performance of the defender. ”

“It should have been like this, there were lots of tackles released. You have to take risks and risk everything to win, “concluded the coach.

Juventus Try To Get Marcelo From Real Madrid

Juventus Try To Get Marcelo From Real Madrid

It seems that the news of Juventus’ interest in bringing Marcelo from Real Madrid is not a figment. Because Juventus reportedly sent Marcelo’s purchase proposal to Real Madrid.

The news about Juventus’ interest in Marcelo has been circulating since the beginning of this season. Of course this was triggered by Cristiano Ronaldo. As we know, Ronaldo has a relationship that is quite close to Marcelo so that Juventus management tries to bring his best friend to Turin.

According to Tuttosport’s alerts, Juventus management has agreed to Ronaldo’s request to bring Marcelo to Turin. Reportedly the Juventus have also sent an offer to the Madrid side to want to release Marcelo.

Even Juventus are ready to pay dearly if Real Madrid does allow the player to move. Juventus has prepared a fund of 45 million euros to get the player’s signature. This offer will be submitted later this summer.

Not only dare to pay dearly, Juventus is also reportedly ready to provide a big salary for the player. Later Marcelo will get a salary of 12 million euros per year, of course this value is fairly large considering the age of players who have stepped on 31 years.

Juventus’ chances of getting the player’s signature are quite large, this is not separated from the news that Marcelo’s position in the main squad has begun to shift.

Most likely Marcelo will accept an offer from Juventus seeing his unfavorable position at Real Madrid.

Sarri Said Chelsea Could Have Win Even Without A Coach

Sarri Said Chelsea Could Have Win Even Without A Coach

Chelsea have just swallowed a bitter defeat when they visited Bournemouth. In the Premier League advanced match on Thursday 31/1 yesterday, Chelsea had to bow before Bournemouth with a score of 0 - 4.

Maurizio Sarri did not even know the reason why his team could lose. Sarri assessed that there was an internal error in his team. Sarri also mentally mentions the players in the match. According to him, Chelsea is a great team, such a defeat is really strange to him.

Sarri considers that Chelsea already have many great players, although not the best in the Premier League, but his team is considered still very competitive. Even Sarri said that Chelsea should be able to win even without a coach.

“I think Chelsea are a great team, they play really well. Indeed, currently we are not at the top, but we are quite competitive in the Premier League. The 4-0 defeat was very absurd, I really respect Eddie Howe, but this kind of chaos is really strange, “Sarri opened to the London Football side.

“Maybe this could happen because of my mistake, maybe I failed to give motivation to every player. But I am very sure that this is a strong team, even without a coach. ”

“I am frustrated with this, not because of the players, not because of pressure, I just feel frustrated at failing to signal to them. I am frustrated by my failure. ”

“I apologize for this incident. I will try to find our problems and fix them. “

Asensio Threatens to Leave If Madrid Brings Neymar

Asensio Threatens to Leave If Madrid Brings Neymar

One of Real Madrid’s versatile players, Asensio is rumored to be leaving the club if Real Madrid decides to bring Neymar to the Santiago Bernabeu.

Indeed, recently Neymar has been warmly discussed to be brought to the Real Madrid club. The reason, the Brazilian player considers Ligue 1 is a competition that is far below the standard La Liga.

This circulating news made Asensio restless. Because he rejected the idea to bring Neymar to the club. Not only that, he also threatened to leave the club if Neymar was actually brought to Madrid.

The reason is actually reasonable, Asensio does not want to fight for a position with Neymar. As we know, Neymar and Asensio are in the same position so that one of these players will be reserved. Therefore Asensio strongly disagrees with the club’s decision to bring in Neymar.

When under the leadership of Zinedine Zidane, Asensio did get relatively few flight hours. Of the 53 matches that his club underwent in all competitions, Asensio was only played 19 times, even in the Champions League competition, he only played 3 times as a starter.

Actually Asensio is a player who is in demand by many people. He has a very clear ability and vision. Naturally, many teams want to bring themselves. Some of the big teams that are rumored to want to propose Asensio are PSG, Juventus and also Liverpool.

Cedric Officially Joined Inter Milan

Cedric Officially Joined Inter Milan

Inter Milan finally officially bring in new players in the transfer market this season. They officially bring in Southampton defender Cedric Soares.

This news was obtained through Inter’s statement via their official website. Cedric Soares was brought in on loan, but Inter also had the option to make Cedric a permanent player there.

Cedric himself is currently 27 years old and has played 100 matches with Southampton. Despite playing as a defender, he has managed to contribute two goals with The Saints in 2015.

Inter Milan bring Cedric because they are not satisfied with their defender Sime Vrslajko’s performance. The player is often injured so Inter must look for other options to fill the team’s void.

Previously Inter reportedly wanted to recruit Antonio Valencia and Matteo Darmian, unfortunately Inter experienced obstacles to bring the two players.

Actually Inter still have the Danilo D’Ambrosio option, unfortunately Luciano Spalletti lacks trust in the player’s ability.

Cedric himself was happy because he had succeeded in completing his move to Inter Milan. The player considers his conviction to Inter like a dream come true. It seems Cedric saw a great opportunity at Inter Milan and promised to show his best performance with the Nerazzuri.

“I am happy to be able to join Inter. “This club is incredible, wearing a jeysey Nerazurri is like a dream come true,” Cedric told Inter TV.

Sarri Asks Hazard Stop Talk To Much In Front of the Media

Sarri Asks Hazard Stop Talk To Much In Front of the Media

Eden Hazard has recently been hailed as one of the best players in the world. Hazard is often an important pillar in every Chelsea victory. Maurizio Sarri as the coach also did not dismiss this, but Sarri also asked Hazard not to talk to much if he wanted to be the best player in the world.

Since 2018 ago, Hazard has often issued words that have caused speculation regarding his future. The player had claimed to be happy at Chelsea, but he also said he did not rule out the possibility of leaving the club.

One of the teams reportedly ready to accommodate Hazard is Real Madrid. Moreover, at this time it was in need of new ammunition and Hazard was considered to fit the style of playing Madrid.

Sarri as coach revealed that Hazard could still develop, whether it was at Chelsea or other clubs. But Sarri asked Hazard not to talk much in front of the media.

A soccer player must “speak” using “his feet” in the field. Sarri said that to judge a player, the player must be able to show his skills when rolling the ball.

“I prefer Hazard to comment on using his legs. I see the potential in Hazard, he can still develop, “Sarri said.

“He must be able to respect himself. He is a great player, his individual playing style and instinct when playing the ball is extraordinary. ”

“He is not a player who plays passively, he likes to pick up the ball and chase the ball. But it is difficult to play as a striker and also a winger. It’s difficult to play only in one position, “closed Sarri.

Sam Allardyce: I Think Rashford Can't Play For A Long Time

Sam Allardyce: I Think Rashford Can’t Play For A Long Time

A prediction given by Sam Allardyce regarding Marcus Rashford’s career. The former England coach considered the young Manchester United striker would be difficult to play at the highest level for a long time.

Rashford itself is one of the successful products of the Manchester United academy. He made his debut in the first team when he was 18 years old, and since then he has regularly appeared in attacking Manchester United.

Not only being a mainstay in Manchester United, Rashford is also a mainstay in the England national team. Even when he was 18 years old, he was taken to Euro 2016 by Roy Hodgson, where to this day he is still actively defending The Three Lions.

In the eyes of Big Sam, if this condition continued, Rashford could have a chance to retire after being young. “With his current condition, I feel it is very difficult for him to play until the age of 30,” Allardyce told Talk Sports.

In his analysis, Allardyce assessed that Rashford had too many playing portions, so he did not have time to rest and that would have an effect on his career.

“This condition is due to physical and psychological and mental demands that make him experience extreme fatigue. If this condition continues, he only has about 3 weeks in a year on vacation.”

“He will play in all corners of the world because currently there is no such thing as pre-season anymore. He will play for the national team in the summer and he only has about 3 weeks to rest.”

Allardyce assesses that if Rashford continues to get this burden continuously, then he will be difficult to maintain his body condition in his 30s so he has the potential to retire early.

Emery: This Way Is Full Of Risk

Lately, it has emerged that says that Unai Emery has a bad relationship with Mesut Ozil. Apparently this news is not mere nonsense, the article Unai Emery clearly told the media that he was indeed looking for trouble with Ozil.

Thanks to the poor results achieved by Arsenal, Unai Emery was made a scapegoat by the public and fans. In addition, the decision not to use Ozil’s energy also drew a lot of criticism. Even Mesut Ozil’s name is not included in the long-term plan he made.

This condition makes a lot of speculation where the public says Ozil will soon be kicked out of Arsenal. Ozil is considered a valuable asset for sale. With Ozil’s sale, Arsenal can bring in new players who are considered more competent.

Many media reported that there was a dispute between Emery and Ozil. Emery also did not dismiss the news, but the goal was reversed so that Ozil could increase even greater ambition in the player.

“Class must know when to trigger a dispute and when you should praise the player. “From a dispute, it can trigger players to show their quality in playing,” Emery opened to Sky Sports.

“Sometimes this kind of thing can arouse someone’s ambition,” Emery continued.

Even so, Emery said that actions like this must be carefully considered and carried out. Because this kind of thing is like a double-edged sword, where if it fails to do, the player’s condition will decrease further.

“Things like this must be considered carefully, you have to make sure everything goes well and must ensure that they are compatible with other players. Because if you fail to use this tactic, then the player’s mentality will get worse, “concluded Emery.

Xavi Invites Joshua Kimmich to Join Barcelona

Xavi Invites Joshua Kimmich to Join Barcelona

Barcelona legend Xavi recently made a compliment to Joshua Kimmich. He believes the young man has everything he needs to play for Barcelona.

Kimmich is one of the talented young players owned by Bayern Munich. He was bought from Stuttgart in 2015 ago and since then he has been a mainstay player at Bayern Munich.

The 24-year-old was known as a versatile player. This season he has recorded 26 appearances for the player in the first team of The Bavaria.

Xavi himself believes the German national team player will be a big figure if he moves to Barcelona. “I once spoke with Pep Guardiola, my former coach at Barcelona, ​​about him,” Xavi told Bild.

Xavi himself admitted that he had followed the development of Kimmich’s career and he admitted that he was very impressed with the performance of the young man.

“At that time Pep said: ‘I have a player who can play in any position.’ Then I asked ‘Who is that child?’ He said that a young man named ‘Kimmitsch’ who I honestly had never heard before. ”

“From that day on I began to follow the development of his career, because Pep really praised him. When I first saw him playing, he would be a great player and that is what he is now, a great player.”

Xavi, known as the Barcelona legend himself suggested that Kimmich try a new challenge by moving to Barcelona.

“I’m sure he will be the perfect player for FC Barcelona. During my career, I always opened my eyes to looking for players who might be suitable for Barcelona.”

“Like Phillip Lahm, Joshua Kimmich might not encounter significant obstacles at Barcelona, ​​because he will be perfect for this team. But Bayern Munich are on the same level in Barcelona and he can achieve many things there.” he said.

Manchester United is Claimed Not Able to Buy Milan Skriniar

Manchester United is Claimed Not Able to Buy Milan Skriniar

Inter Milan coach Luciano Spalletti again spoke up about rumors of Manchester United’s interest in Milan Skriniar. Spalletti said the Red Devils could forget their wishful thinking because they could not make up for the defender’s selling price.

Skriniar himself can be said to have been one of the defenders of a rising star in Serie A since last season. He appeared solid when escorting the Nerrazurri defense, so he was considered one of the best central defenders in Serie A at the moment.

The Slovak defender’s performance reportedly attracted the attention of Manchester United. The Premier League giant is reportedly interested in bringing the player to Old Trafford to strengthen their defense.

But Spalletti insisted that he had no plans to sell Skriniar in January. “Skriniar stays here,” Spalletti opened to the Goal International.

Spalletti believes that Manchester United should look for new targets in the transfer market this winter.

The former AS Roma coach confirmed that Skriniar would be priced at a very expensive price and could not be reached by red demons.

“I think he is outside the price range any club can afford. I am sure no team can afford it.” said the coach.

Skriniar himself is still under contract at the Giuseppe Meazza until 2022.

Pochettino Said Facing United Is Hard

Pochettino Said Facing United Is Hard

Tottenham will soon host Manchester United in the Premier League match. Mauricio Pochettino as the Tottenham Spurs coach admitted that the match against Manchester United was a complicated and difficult match.

Tottenham will host United at Wembley on Sunday 13/2/2019 at 23.30 WIB. In this match, Tottenham were more favored as winners. Although Tottenham is in third place in the standings, this does not make supporters and United squad tremble.

Not only that, Tottenham also appeared with considerable confidence after winning three wins in the last three games they played. In fact they managed to overthrow Chelsea in the first leg of the Carabao Cup.

If we see United, we can also see the same thing where they have managed to maintain an impressive game lately. In the last five games they played, United were able to wipe out all their victories.

Seeing this condition, Pochettino explained that United were in good momentum. He asked his foster children to focus and mobilize everything to win in the match later.

“This game will run intense and interesting. Tottemham vs Manchester United, and vice versa will always be a fun match to see. “This match will be very competitive,” Pochettino opened.

“I see Manchester United as a team at a different level, this match will be very interesting. They are in very good condition. I think the game will run quite hard for us. But we will try to get full points in the match, “he concluded.

Buffon: I am the best purchase of Juventus!

The increase in the price of players today makes ex-Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon surprised. The 40-year-old man was convinced that the defending champion of Serie A had done the right business by buying it from Parma first.

As is known, Buffon joined Juventus in 2001 with a high enough value of 52 million euros. The transfer value had made him the most expensive goalkeeper in the world before Ederson broke it in 2017.

He managed to pay the expensive transfer fee with a brilliant performance under the crossbar as well as a series of achievements for Juventus. Even the name Buffon is often referred to as the best goalkeeper of all time.

After his transfer record was broken Ederson, the price of the keeper soared. Now the transfer record is held by Kepa Arrizabalaga, who was brought in from Athletico Bilbao a few weeks after Alisson’s move to Liverpool worth 80 million euros.

The increasing selling price of goalkeepers in a short time clearly made Buffon as a former record holder surprised. He said that if the goalkeeper was bought at a high price during his time, people would question the club’s policies.

“If we go back to my purchase at Juve, the value of the money they spend on me makes every critic say the same: ‘No, you can’t pay that much money for goalkeepers,’ Buffon told FourFourTwo.

“But in the end, I was with Juventus for 17 years. I think with me, Juve has made one of the best businesses in its history. If you look at it now, I doubt anyone will disagree with it,” he continued.

Ederson, Kepa, and Alisson are some goalkeepers who are still relatively young and are stealing attention with their respective clubs. Buffon believes that all three can repeat their success in the past.

“Ederson, Kepa, and Alisson - all three are still very young, just like when I was at Juventus. So, they have made the club sure they have not needed another goalkeeper for a long time,” he added.

“I think every goalkeeper must be paid according to his value, and also according to what is appropriate for them. There is no competition between goalkeeper and defender, goalkeeper and attacker, goalkeeper and midfielder,” he concluded.

At present, Buffon is enjoying his time with the French giants Paris Saint-Germain. Although his age was no longer young, but Thomas Tuchel as a coach still often entrusted the post to him.

Benfica Want To Recruit Jose Mourinho

Benfica Want To Recruit Jose Mourinho

Luis Filipe Vieira as president of the Benfica club claimed to want to bring in new coach Jose Mourinho. He even boasted about the money that must be spent to bring the coach.

As we know, Jose Mourinho is currently unemployed after being expelled from the club Manchester United. A lot of news links the coach to other big clubs in Europe.

Actually there are two names that most want the coach, just call Real Madrid and also Inter Milan. But besides the two clubs, Benfica is also reportedly targeting Jose Mourinho.

Benfica itself is an eternal rival of the Porto club, for those of you who don’t know, Jose Mourinho once panned success with them. Seeing the conditions that exist at Benfica at this time, actually the news circulating is not mere nonsense.

Last week, Benfica also just released Rui Vitoria so they needed a new coach to achieve success. But their desire to bring Mourinho is not easy, because Mourinho claimed he did not want to return to Portugal in the near future.

Mourinho saw himself at the peak of his career so he did not want to gain success in the second caste league in Portugal. Mourinho is still patient looking forward to offers from big European clubs and decides to be unemployed until the end of this season until there is a definite offer.

Vieira also claimed to be close friends with Mourinho, except that until now he has not tried to offer a cooperation with the 55-year-old coach.

Selling Hazard Is claimed Can Bring Positive Impact on Chelsea

Selling Hazard Is claimed Can Bring Positive Impact on Chelsea

Eden Hazard is one of the important players of Chelsea. However, Liverpool legend John Barnes believes Chelsea will change for the better if they sell the player.

Hazard performed brilliantly with Chelsea this season. The Belgian star has scored 10 goals and made nine assists from 20 matches in the Premier League this season.

Last summer, Hazard was widely reported to be joining Real Madrid. Until now the rumor turned out to still not subside.

Hazard himself had revealed that he had a dream to play at the Santiago Bernabeu someday. Madrid is expected to return to target Hazard in the summer.

Barnes is very supportive if Chelsea sells Hazard to Real Madrid. Because, Maurizio Sarri’s team was very dependent on Hazard so that it could harm the Blues.

“The biggest problem for Chelsea is that they are very dependent on Eden Hazard,” Barnes said as quoted by the London Football.

“Steven Gerrard experienced the same thing, or Liverpool experienced something similar where when Hazard wanted the ball in any area he got the ball, he dominated other players so that other players could not come forward to show what to do because he was right. right dominates them.

“So if he doesn’t play well or scores goals, because the team is used to giving him the ball all the time, they don’t appear as a team.”

Barnes believes that big teams like Chelsea should not depend on just one player.

“Now it’s okay if you are a small team with big players, but for teams like Chelsea who want to be European and English champions, they must have enough big players not to dominate the team as much as him. Even Lionel Messi doesn’t dominate Barcelona like it’s Hazard at Chelsea.

Pep Guardiola: Doing Mistake Is Normal In Football

Pep Guardiola: Doing Mistake Is Normal In Football

It seems that Pep Guardiola did not want to dispute the blunder made by his side Oleksandr Zinchenko when his club faced Southampton yesterday. Guardiola was satisfied with the performance shown by his foster children during the match.

The match against Southampton was a crucial match for Manchester City. Because in the last two matches, they always lost. Actually Manchester City managed to take the lead first, but because of Zinchenko’s error on the 37th minute Southampton made it even more equal. Fortunately Sergio Aguero and also James Ward Prowse’s own goal brought Manchester City out as winners in the match.

According to Guardiola, such a mistake is natural. He does not want to blame the player too much and only tries to give input so that such mistakes do not happen again.

“Mistakes are part of developing yourself in playing. Zinchenko’s mistake was fatal, but I didn’t want to blame the player too much. He is a great player, but great players can still make mistakes and I think that is natural. ”

What amazed Guardiola was the attitude of Zinchenko. The player is able to recover quickly and adapt to the current game.

“The mentality makes me satisfied. The mistake is a lesson and he is still very young, he will learn from this mistake. ”

“I often say to players, you have to learn from Zinchenko today, everyone can be wrong, but strong mentality will turn mistakes into a lesson for the future.”

Navas Giving Signal To Resign From Madrid

Navas Giving Signal To Resign From Madrid

Real Madrid goalkeeper Keylor Navas seems to have said goodbye to his club through uploading on Instagram social media which is quite emotional. He thanked Real Madrid supporters for all their support.

Navas must be willing to sit on the bench after the arrival of Thibaut Courtois earlier this season. He only became the second option because Courtois was considered much better.

Madrid’s attitude certainly hurt the Colombian goalkeeper. Why not, for the past four and a half years, Navas has done a great job. He helped Madrid win three Champions League titles in a row.

After Madrid’s open training as a closing 2018 in Valdebebas some time ago, Navas expressed his gratitude directly to the 8000 spectators present.

He uploaded his photo when interacting with Madrid supporters with the text “Gracias por todo !!!” which literally means “Thank you for everything.”

The message is indeed double, but if you look at Navas’s current situation, it seems he indicates that he intends to leave Madrid. Given the January transfer market has been opened.

The question: where is Navas anchored? Although not young anymore, Navas’s experience cannot be ignored. Reportedly, several clubs like Arsenal and Juventus are looking for experienced goalkeepers of the highest quality.

Observing the current situation, chances of Navas leaving to Juve are bigger than Arsenal - at Arsenal there are Bernd Leno and Petr Cech. Because, after the departure of Gianluigi Buffon, Juve has not brought in a commensurate replacement.

Modric Refusing New Contract From Real Madrid

Real Madrid midfielder Luka Modric is rumored to have dealt with a contract extension offered by Real Madrid. Seeing this, his condition in Madrid is quite doubtful.

Previously the player had indeed made a statement wanting to retire at Real Madrid. But the player realizes that his decision will be very difficult to fulfill.

Modric realized he had to be at the highest level if he wanted to retire at Real Madrid. He did not want to be a burden in Madrid. Actually, if you look at its performance so far, Modric is still included in the impressive category.

Madrid also want Modric to stay at the club. As we know, Modric became a very crucial figure in Madrid, just like Ronaldo and other crucial players.

According to TeleMadrid , Real Madrid has submitted a contract extension for the player. If Modric decides to leave the club, this will be a big problem for the club.

This is also reinforced by the status of Luka Modric who will become a free transfer player next season. When the 2018/19 season begins, Modric is often reported to be leaving. Some big clubs like Inter Milan are also rumored to have negotiated with the player.

After winning many titles with Madrid, Luka Modric claimed to want to try new challenges, especially Serie A. Just as Ronaldo decided to play with Juventus. If it is true, it is not impossible that Ronaldo will face his former teammates in Serie A.