Kobe Bryant Hero in the Field also Hero in a Real Life

aElitesports.fun – All Basketball lover will know the name of Kobe Bryant. Kobe is one of the best player that can be compare to the legend Michael Jordan. Now Kobe itself also a Legend in Basketball. Becoming a hero on the field already becoming his job, and now there is a moment in where Kobe show his another side of hero. Which is when he try to help each other on real life. Kobe Bryant showing his good act when try to help the victim of car crash in Newport Beach, California.

Being report that Bryant is driving his Range Rover on that time. He become the witnesses of the crash that happen between two car in front of him when one of the car look cross the red light. Ex Los Angeles Lakers player directly go out for his car and looking for the victim that driving the Tesla car.

After seeing that nothing dangerous happen to the victim, Bryant decide to the the photo of the car as the wish from the Tesla owner that broke his phone on that accident.

Although that is not so much help do by Bryant, However his reaction and what he do on that accident show that he is a good guy and brush off the statement in where most of popular guy in town like Hollywood actor or an athlete is some one who does not care about their environment.

Not to long ago, Another NBA legend also Los Angeles Lakers, Shag O’ Neal also getting a chance on helping each other.

Kobe Bryant become a player from 1996 to 2016, On his ten years carrier, he succeed on bringing his team become the NBA Champion fifth time. He also in the main player for United States man Basket when succeed on getting a gold medal in Beijing Olympic 2008 and London 2012.

Let hope that all human being is like that, helping each other without hesitation #peace.